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    <title>Drgnz Club | Community culture </title>
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          <h1 style="margin-top: 0px;" id="introduction">Community culture</h1>
            Our community has it's own culture and slang which fosters a unique identity and
            strenghtens our connection. We are slowly building a culture that makes our community
            a unique and cozy place to stay in if you are here for a longer time.<br>
            We approach our community as a group of long term members, rather than few new people
            that come and go.

          <center><img src="../assets/ding.png" width="200px"></center>
          <center style="margin-top: 8px;"><i>Waffelo dinging a bellhop bell.</i></center>
          <h2 id="glossary">Glossary</h2>
            Here is a list with explanations of our words and pharses that we commonly use in our community. Some of
            these words can be adapted to your need, like for example changing "eyesdragon" to "eyesfox".
            <li><b>Badger (🦡) -</b> Being called a badger means being called lazy, hungry or eepy.</li>
            <li><b>Ding (🛎️) -</b> This references hitting a beelhop bell when something silly happens. But can be used in other ways like "dingly situation". </li>
            <li><b>Endragon -</b> This is referencing   </li>
            <li><b>Eyesdragon -</b> Said when you encounter something that is rather weird or surprising.</li>

          <h2 id="emotes">Emotes</h2>

          <h2 id="emotes">Hall of fame</h2>

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         <h2 style="margin-top: 0px;" >Contents</h2>
           <li><a href="#">Introduction</a></li>
           <li><a href="#">Glossary</a></li>
           <li><a href="#">Emotes</a></li>
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