- This is a small guide on how to do encrypted Gentoo install. This isn't really an all purpose article for all
- cases, I just wrote this while I was installing Gentoo on my Thinkpad T430 laptop and wanted to make a article
- that maybe could help someone a bit.
Preparing disks
- First you will have to prepare your disk for the Gentoo installation. This will be the base for your entire system.
- You will have to create four partitions (bios boot, boot, swap and root) using the program gdisk
- and then use the cryptsetup command on the root partition to create encrypted luks container.
Creating an encrypted container
cryptsetup -yv luksFormat /dev/sda4
Opening the encrypted container
Note that the pharse at the end of the command is the mapper name, you can choose any.
cryptsetup open /dev/sdb4 root
After opening the encrypted container, you can notice that it is located in the /dev/mapper/root.
Formatting the partitions
Now format the boot partition to ext4 and root to btrfs. And don't forget to format swap parition.
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda2
mkfs.btrfs /dev/mapper/root
mkswap /dev/sda3
Preparing the system
- In this step you will need to download the stage3 tarball from the Gentoo website and extract it installation
- /mnt/gentoo/. In my case I will be using amd64 desktop profile with OpenRC.
Mounting the disk
- First you will need to create /mnt/gentoo/ and /mnt/gentoo/boot/
mkdir -p /mnt/gentoo/boot
And then mount the partitions
mount /dev/mapper/root /mnt/gentoo
mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/gentoo/boot
Downloading and extracting the stage3 tarball
- Go to the Gentoo download website and copy the download link of the selected tarball and download it into
- /mnt/gentoo/.
cd /mnt/gentoo
wget [tarball link]
After downloading the tarball, extract it using this command:
tar xpvf stage3-*.tar.xz --xattrs-include='*.*' --numeric-owner
After it is done extracting the tarball, you can delete the .tar.xz file.
Configuring compile options
- This is very important thing to set, most of your packages will be compiled with the settings you set in the
- /mnt/gentoo/etc/portage/make.conf. I will show you some important things to set
- for this guide. Use this wiki page
- for your invididual configuration as an help guide.
- Most importantly don't forget to set your -march= to your CPU architecture. If you are
- compiling on the computer that will the Gentoo used on then just set -march=native and
- if not then go to this wiki page and find the code for the CPU
- that you will use this Gentoo installation on. In my case I will be setting -march=westmere.
- You should also set your CPU_FLAGS_X86 to your CPU flags. You can do it by booting into Gentoo
- liveiso from an usb flash drive on the computer you will use this Gentoo installation on and running the
- cpuid2cpuflags command to list all the tags.
- Rust software is spreading like COVID-19 few years ago, so I would advise you to include
- RUSTFLAGS="${COMMON_FLAGS}" in your make.conf.
- You should also include this quality of life option that will automatically append these flags when you will go compile
- something. EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS="--ask --verbose"
- You will want to have faster downloads from the Gentoo mirrors. So you should set the GENTOO_MIRRORS
- to the closest mirror there is to you. You can find mirrors by going to this wiki page.
- You also will want to set the VIDEO_CARD option so your video drivers get compiled. I will use
- the VIDEO_CARDS="intel" on my ThinkPad because it has an integeated GPU. If you don't know which
- flag to set, go to this wiki page to find the
- GPU flag you need.
- For the Grub bootloader you will want to set GRUB_PLATFORMS="pc" since this guide is focused on
- installation with legacy boot.
- If you compile on a better CPU than the installation will be used on, you can set the MAKE_OPTS="-j" to the availabile
- resources you have. I am compiling this installation on AMD Ryzen 7 so I will be using MAKEOPTS="-j16".
- Make sure you will adjust the -j number to the CPU your installation will be used on after you are done with installing Gentoo.
- This is optional, but if you want to use only Free Software, you could opt to set ACCEPT_LICENSE="-* @FREE".
- I personally set this on all my machines.
The last thing we will set are the USE flags. You can put there any compile options you want, but make sure you include these few
- flags: device-mapper, crypt, elogind. You can add your flags that can be found on this
- wiki page.
After running this script, you should be chrooted in your new gentoo installation enviroment.
Configuring portage
We already have done some steps for configuring portage earlier, so we will skip them. Now, run these
- two commands to configure the Gentoo ebuild repository:
Now you have to download the Gentoo ebuild repository.
Selecting a profile
- A profile is a set of specific use flags, variables and version ranges. You need to choose a profile that will
- suit your use case. This installation is intended for desktop use, so I will select the
- default/linux/amd64/23.0/desktop profile. To view profiles, you need to run this command:
It is most likely that the desktop profile is already selected if you have downloaded the desktop stage3 tarball.
- If not, then run the command below with the option number at the end. Then the blue asterisk should move to your
- selected option. For example, in my case I selected the number 23.
eselect profile set (your number)
Updating the packages
After doing changes to the use flags in make,conf, we will want to update our current packages so they are built in the
- way we wanted to.
If you want your system time to be correct, you should set your system's timezone. You can look at all the timezones availabile
- by running this command:
ls -l /usr/share/zoneinfo
You can also ls deeper into the directory of your continent to see the availabile timezones.
ls -l /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe
And then echo the timezone into the timezone file. For example, I will use Europe/Bratislava.
echo "(your timezone)" > /etc/timezone
And finally, finish it by emerging timezone-data.
emerge --config sys-libs/timezone-data
Installing vim
This is optional, but if you want to edit files using vim instead of nano, then emerge vim.
emerge vim
Generating locale
Now you will want to generate the locale by editing locale.gen. Just simply uncomment a line with your locale.
vim /etc/locale.gen
If you don't know how to type in locale code of your language, run this command to view supported locales:
less /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED
And now just generate the locale.
Selecting locale
Now list your locales with eselect. It is likely that your locale is already selected.
eselect locale list
And set your locale
eselect locale set (number of your option)
And now finally reload your enviroment using following command:
- Now it is time to install the core of the operating system, the kernel. It will have to be installed bit differently
- than it is being done normally. You will have to use the genkernel command with few use
- flags.
- You might want to use the linux-firmware package if you use proprietary drivers for wifi,
- bluetooth, etc.. But even if you don't need it like me since I have atheros wifi card, you will need to set a
- -firmware in the /etc/portage/package.use/sys-kernel file.
I need linux firmware
If you use proprietary drivers, you will need the firmware. You need to add ~amd64
- keyword to the package.accept_keywords file.
Adding ~amd64 to the /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords/sys-kernel
To install kernel, you will need to download two packages. The genkernel which is a tool
- that automates building the kernel. And gentoo-sources which includes the kernel source.
emerge genkernel gentoo-sources
Before you can compile the kernel, you need to select it with the eselect command.
- Do this command to list the availabile kernels:
eselect kernel list
And then select the kernel. In most cases it will be 1 in new installation.
eselect kernel set 1
After selecting the kernel, run this command that will start the compiltion of the kernel. The command contains
- necessary flags for encrypted installation. note: this might take a long time.
genkernel --luks --lvm --busybox all
Generating fstab
All of your partitions that will be used in your system must be in the /etc/fstab file
- where are all the mount points and options on how they should be mounted set.
Run the command blkid to find the UUIDs of your partitions.
After succesfuly finishing all the previous steps, you shall proceed to the installation of
- grub. Grub is a software that helps you boot your system upon pressing the power button on your
- pc.
Install the grub package and make sure you have GRUB_PLATFORMS="pc" in your
- emerge configs.
emerge --ask --verbose sys-boot/grub
Configuring grub
Now you will need to configure your grub to work with encryption. You can find the configuration file at
- /etc/default/grub/grub.
Your grub config should look something like this, change only the shown parameters. Make sure to put your LUKS partition instead of the one in my
- example. It is the same UUID as in fstab root parition.
Now that you are done, you will need to exit your installation enviroment safely.
umount -l /mnt/gentoo/dev{/shm,/pts,}
umount -R /mnt/gentoo
Now you can reboot your system.
The article is not finished
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\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/assets/fonts/kode-mono-fonts/out/fontbakery/fontbakery-report.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1635 +0,0 @@
- FontBakery Check Report
- Fontbakery Technical Report
If you think a check is flawed or have an idea for a check, please file an issue at https://github.com/fonttools/fontbakery/issues and remember to include a pointer to the repo and branch you're checking.
Note: The following loglevels were omitted in this report: SKIP, INFO, PASS, DEBUG
Meaning of check results:
💥 An ERROR is something wrong with FontBakery itself, possibly a bug.
☠ A FATAL is an extremely severe issue that must be addressed
- immediately.
🔥 A FAIL is a problem with the font that must be fixed.
⚠️ A WARN is something that you should consider addressing.
ℹ️ An INFO result simply prints something useful. Typically stats.
✅ A PASS means the font looks good for the given checking routine.
⏩ And a SKIP happens when the check does not apply to the given font.
If you get ERRORs, please help us improve the tool by reporting them at our
- issue tracker.
(but other kinds of bug reports and/or feature requests
- are also always welcome, of course!)
OS/2 VendorID value 'KDA�' is not yet recognized. If you registered it recently, then it's safe to ignore this warning message. Otherwise, you should set it to your own unique 4 character code, and register it with Microsoft at https://www.microsoft.com/typography/links/vendorlist.aspx
-[code: unknown]
-⚠️ KodeMono-Bold.ttf
OS/2 VendorID value 'KDA�' is not yet recognized. If you registered it recently, then it's safe to ignore this warning message. Otherwise, you should set it to your own unique 4 character code, and register it with Microsoft at https://www.microsoft.com/typography/links/vendorlist.aspx
-[code: unknown]
-⚠️ KodeMono-Regular.ttf
OS/2 VendorID value 'KDA�' is not yet recognized. If you registered it recently, then it's safe to ignore this warning message. Otherwise, you should set it to your own unique 4 character code, and register it with Microsoft at https://www.microsoft.com/typography/links/vendorlist.aspx
-[code: unknown]
-⚠️ KodeMono-SemiBold.ttf
OS/2 VendorID value 'KDA�' is not yet recognized. If you registered it recently, then it's safe to ignore this warning message. Otherwise, you should set it to your own unique 4 character code, and register it with Microsoft at https://www.microsoft.com/typography/links/vendorlist.aspx
-[code: unknown]
Check for codepoints not covered by METADATA subsets.
The following codepoints supported by the font are not covered by
-any subsets defined in the font's metadata file, and will never
-be served. You can solve this by either manually adding additional
-subset declarations to METADATA.pb, or by editing the glyphset
U+02C7 CARON: try adding one of: tifinagh, yi, canadian-aboriginal
U+02D8 BREVE: try adding one of: yi, canadian-aboriginal
U+02D9 DOT ABOVE: try adding one of: yi, canadian-aboriginal
U+02DB OGONEK: try adding one of: yi, canadian-aboriginal
U+02DD DOUBLE ACUTE ACCENT: not included in any glyphset definition
Or you can add the above codepoints to one of the subsets supported by the font: latin, latin-ext [code: unreachable-subsetting]
-⚠️ KodeMono-Bold.ttf
The following codepoints supported by the font are not covered by
-any subsets defined in the font's metadata file, and will never
-be served. You can solve this by either manually adding additional
-subset declarations to METADATA.pb, or by editing the glyphset
U+02C7 CARON: try adding one of: tifinagh, yi, canadian-aboriginal
U+02D8 BREVE: try adding one of: yi, canadian-aboriginal
U+02D9 DOT ABOVE: try adding one of: yi, canadian-aboriginal
U+02DB OGONEK: try adding one of: yi, canadian-aboriginal
U+02DD DOUBLE ACUTE ACCENT: not included in any glyphset definition
Or you can add the above codepoints to one of the subsets supported by the font: latin, latin-ext [code: unreachable-subsetting]
-⚠️ KodeMono-Regular.ttf
The following codepoints supported by the font are not covered by
-any subsets defined in the font's metadata file, and will never
-be served. You can solve this by either manually adding additional
-subset declarations to METADATA.pb, or by editing the glyphset
U+02C7 CARON: try adding one of: tifinagh, yi, canadian-aboriginal
U+02D8 BREVE: try adding one of: yi, canadian-aboriginal
U+02D9 DOT ABOVE: try adding one of: yi, canadian-aboriginal
U+02DB OGONEK: try adding one of: yi, canadian-aboriginal
U+02DD DOUBLE ACUTE ACCENT: not included in any glyphset definition
Or you can add the above codepoints to one of the subsets supported by the font: latin, latin-ext [code: unreachable-subsetting]
-⚠️ KodeMono-SemiBold.ttf
The following codepoints supported by the font are not covered by
-any subsets defined in the font's metadata file, and will never
-be served. You can solve this by either manually adding additional
-subset declarations to METADATA.pb, or by editing the glyphset
U+02C7 CARON: try adding one of: tifinagh, yi, canadian-aboriginal
U+02D8 BREVE: try adding one of: yi, canadian-aboriginal
U+02D9 DOT ABOVE: try adding one of: yi, canadian-aboriginal
U+02DB OGONEK: try adding one of: yi, canadian-aboriginal
U+02DD DOUBLE ACUTE ACCENT: not included in any glyphset definition
Or you can add the above codepoints to one of the subsets supported by the font: latin, latin-ext [code: unreachable-subsetting]
Check copyright namerecords match license file.
Check ID: com.google.fonts/check/name/license
-🔥 KodeMono-Medium.ttf
License file OFL.txt exists but NameID 13 (LICENSE DESCRIPTION) value on platform 3 (WINDOWS) is not specified for that. Value was: "This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This license is available with a FAQ at: https://openfontlicense.org" Must be changed to "This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This license is available with a FAQ at: https://scripts.sil.org/OFL" [code: wrong]
-🔥 KodeMono-Bold.ttf
License file OFL.txt exists but NameID 13 (LICENSE DESCRIPTION) value on platform 3 (WINDOWS) is not specified for that. Value was: "This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This license is available with a FAQ at: https://openfontlicense.org" Must be changed to "This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This license is available with a FAQ at: https://scripts.sil.org/OFL" [code: wrong]
-🔥 KodeMono-Regular.ttf
License file OFL.txt exists but NameID 13 (LICENSE DESCRIPTION) value on platform 3 (WINDOWS) is not specified for that. Value was: "This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This license is available with a FAQ at: https://openfontlicense.org" Must be changed to "This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This license is available with a FAQ at: https://scripts.sil.org/OFL" [code: wrong]
-🔥 KodeMono-SemiBold.ttf
License file OFL.txt exists but NameID 13 (LICENSE DESCRIPTION) value on platform 3 (WINDOWS) is not specified for that. Value was: "This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This license is available with a FAQ at: https://openfontlicense.org" Must be changed to "This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This license is available with a FAQ at: https://scripts.sil.org/OFL" [code: wrong]
Ensure fonts have ScriptLangTags declared on the 'meta' table.
The following glyphs could not be reached by codepoint or substitution rules:
- at.001
-- nobreakspace
[code: unreachable-glyphs]
-⚠️ KodeMono-Bold.ttf
The following glyphs could not be reached by codepoint or substitution rules:
- at.001
-- nobreakspace
[code: unreachable-glyphs]
-⚠️ KodeMono-Regular.ttf
The following glyphs could not be reached by codepoint or substitution rules:
- at.001
-- nobreakspace
[code: unreachable-glyphs]
-⚠️ KodeMono-SemiBold.ttf
The following glyphs could not be reached by codepoint or substitution rules:
- at.001
-- nobreakspace
[code: unreachable-glyphs]
Check if each glyph has the recommended amount of contours.
Check ID: com.google.fonts/check/contour_count
-⚠️ KodeMono-Medium.ttf
This check inspects the glyph outlines and detects the total number of contours in each of them. The expected values are infered from the typical ammounts of contours observed in a large collection of reference font families. The divergences listed below may simply indicate a significantly different design on some of your glyphs. On the other hand, some of these may flag actual bugs in the font such as glyphs mapped to an incorrect codepoint. Please consider reviewing the design and codepoint assignment of these to make sure they are correct.
The following glyphs do not have the recommended number of contours:
This check inspects the glyph outlines and detects the total number of contours in each of them. The expected values are infered from the typical ammounts of contours observed in a large collection of reference font families. The divergences listed below may simply indicate a significantly different design on some of your glyphs. On the other hand, some of these may flag actual bugs in the font such as glyphs mapped to an incorrect codepoint. Please consider reviewing the design and codepoint assignment of these to make sure they are correct.
The following glyphs do not have the recommended number of contours:
This check inspects the glyph outlines and detects the total number of contours in each of them. The expected values are infered from the typical ammounts of contours observed in a large collection of reference font families. The divergences listed below may simply indicate a significantly different design on some of your glyphs. On the other hand, some of these may flag actual bugs in the font such as glyphs mapped to an incorrect codepoint. Please consider reviewing the design and codepoint assignment of these to make sure they are correct.
The following glyphs do not have the recommended number of contours:
This check inspects the glyph outlines and detects the total number of contours in each of them. The expected values are infered from the typical ammounts of contours observed in a large collection of reference font families. The divergences listed below may simply indicate a significantly different design on some of your glyphs. On the other hand, some of these may flag actual bugs in the font such as glyphs mapped to an incorrect codepoint. Please consider reviewing the design and codepoint assignment of these to make sure they are correct.
The following glyphs do not have the recommended number of contours:
The following glyphs have on-curve points which have potentially incorrect y coordinates:
* bracketleft (U+005B): X=447.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* bracketleft (U+005B): X=247.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* g (U+0067): X=180.0,Y=-1.0 (should be at baseline 0?)
-* braceleft (U+007B): X=507.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* braceleft (U+007B): X=368.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* braceright (U+007D): X=235.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* braceright (U+007D): X=93.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* section (U+00A7): X=99.0,Y=698.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* aacute (U+00E1): X=434.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* eacute (U+00E9): X=415.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* ograve (U+00F2): X=184.0,Y=701.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* oacute (U+00F3): X=418.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* ugrave (U+00F9): X=183.0,Y=701.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* uacute (U+00FA): X=417.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* Aogonek (U+0104): X=520.0,Y=1.0 (should be at baseline 0?)
-* gbreve (U+011F): X=180.0,Y=-1.0 (should be at baseline 0?)
-* gbreve (U+011F): X=106.0,Y=701.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* gbreve (U+011F): X=454.0,Y=701.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* gdotaccent (U+0121): X=180.0,Y=-1.0 (should be at baseline 0?)
-* uni0123 (U+0123): X=180.0,Y=-1.0 (should be at baseline 0?)
-* nacute (U+0144): X=459.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* racute (U+0155): X=486.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* sacute (U+015B): X=420.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* scedilla (U+015F): X=229.0,Y=2.0 (should be at baseline 0?)
-* scedilla (U+015F): X=326.0,Y=2.0 (should be at baseline 0?)
-* wgrave (U+1E81): X=183.0,Y=701.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* wacute (U+1E83): X=417.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* Euro (U+20AC): X=181.0,Y=701.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* Euro (U+20AC): X=468.0,Y=701.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* seveneighths (U+215E): X=300.0,Y=701.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* uni25CC (U+25CC): X=531.5,Y=700.5 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* uni25CC (U+25CC): X=67.5,Y=0.5 (should be at baseline 0?) [code: found-misalignments]
-⚠️ KodeMono-Bold.ttf
The following glyphs have on-curve points which have potentially incorrect y coordinates:
* ocircumflex (U+00F4): X=302.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* ucircumflex (U+00FB): X=300.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* cacute (U+0107): X=163.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* wcircumflex (U+0175): X=300.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* seveneighths (U+215E): X=300.0,Y=701.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* uni25CC (U+25CC): X=67.5,Y=0.5 (should be at baseline 0?) [code: found-misalignments]
-⚠️ KodeMono-Regular.ttf
The following glyphs have on-curve points which have potentially incorrect y coordinates:
* Aogonek (U+0104): X=520.0,Y=1.0 (should be at baseline 0?)
-* seveneighths (U+215E): X=300.0,Y=701.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* uni25CC (U+25CC): X=532.0,Y=701.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* uni25CC (U+25CC): X=68.0,Y=1.0 (should be at baseline 0?) [code: found-misalignments]
-⚠️ KodeMono-SemiBold.ttf
The following glyphs have on-curve points which have potentially incorrect y coordinates:
* macron (U+00AF): X=444.0,Y=701.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* macron (U+00AF): X=156.0,Y=701.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* aring (U+00E5): X=265.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* aring (U+00E5): X=361.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* zcaron (U+017E): X=300.0,Y=698.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* circumflex (U+02C6): X=300.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* uni0302 (U+0302): X=300.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* uni0304 (U+0304): X=444.0,Y=701.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* uni0304 (U+0304): X=156.0,Y=701.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* uni0312 (U+0312): X=293.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* underscoredbl (U+2017): X=560.0,Y=-301.0 (should be at descender -300?)
-* underscoredbl (U+2017): X=40.0,Y=-301.0 (should be at descender -300?)
-* Euro (U+20AC): X=177.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* Euro (U+20AC): X=471.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* seveneighths (U+215E): X=300.0,Y=701.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* uni25CC (U+25CC): X=531.5,Y=700.5 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* uni25CC (U+25CC): X=67.5,Y=0.5 (should be at baseline 0?) [code: found-misalignments]
The following glyphs have segments which seem very short:
* five (U+0035) contains a short segment L<<165.0,500.0>--<170.0,490.0>>
-* eight (U+0038) contains a short segment L<<163.0,339.0>--<153.0,339.0>>
-* M (U+004D) contains a short segment L<<166.0,700.0>--<166.0,678.0>>
-* M (U+004D) contains a short segment L<<255.0,394.0>--<255.0,400.0>>
-* W (U+0057) contains a short segment L<<179.0,95.0>--<198.0,95.0>>
-* W (U+0057) contains a short segment L<<404.0,95.0>--<421.0,95.0>>
-* Y (U+0059) contains a short segment L<<298.0,414.0>--<300.0,414.0>>
-* Z (U+005A) contains a short segment L<<439.0,417.0>--<455.0,417.0>>
-* w (U+0077) contains a short segment L<<194.0,95.0>--<199.0,95.0>>
-* w (U+0077) contains a short segment L<<402.0,96.0>--<405.0,96.0>>
-* x (U+0078) contains a short segment L<<167.0,244.0>--<167.0,246.0>>
-* y (U+0079) contains a short segment L<<433.0,-18.0>--<433.0,0.0>>
-* z (U+007A) contains a short segment L<<424.0,443.0>--<424.0,452.0>>
-* yen (U+00A5) contains a short segment L<<299.0,414.0>--<301.0,414.0>>
-* uni00B2 (U+00B2) contains a short segment L<<241.0,419.0>--<241.0,417.0>>
-* onehalf (U+00BD) contains a short segment L<<321.0,-101.0>--<321.0,-103.0>>
-* Yacute (U+00DD) contains a short segment L<<298.0,414.0>--<300.0,414.0>>
-* yacute (U+00FD) contains a short segment L<<433.0,-18.0>--<433.0,0.0>>
-* ydieresis (U+00FF) contains a short segment L<<433.0,-18.0>--<433.0,0.0>>
-* ij (U+0133) contains a short segment L<<422.0,-74.0>--<422.0,-61.0>>
-* OE (U+0152) contains a short segment L<<387.0,99.0>--<375.0,86.0>>
-* Wcircumflex (U+0174) contains a short segment L<<179.0,95.0>--<198.0,95.0>>
-* Wcircumflex (U+0174) contains a short segment L<<404.0,95.0>--<421.0,95.0>>
-* wcircumflex (U+0175) contains a short segment L<<194.0,95.0>--<199.0,95.0>>
-* wcircumflex (U+0175) contains a short segment L<<402.0,96.0>--<405.0,96.0>>
-* Ycircumflex (U+0176) contains a short segment L<<298.0,414.0>--<300.0,414.0>>
-* ycircumflex (U+0177) contains a short segment L<<433.0,-18.0>--<433.0,0.0>>
-* Ydieresis (U+0178) contains a short segment L<<298.0,414.0>--<300.0,414.0>>
-* Zacute (U+0179) contains a short segment L<<439.0,417.0>--<455.0,417.0>>
-* zacute (U+017A) contains a short segment L<<424.0,443.0>--<424.0,452.0>>
-* Zdotaccent (U+017B) contains a short segment L<<439.0,417.0>--<455.0,417.0>>
-* zdotaccent (U+017C) contains a short segment L<<424.0,443.0>--<424.0,452.0>>
-* Zcaron (U+017D) contains a short segment L<<439.0,417.0>--<455.0,417.0>>
-* zcaron (U+017E) contains a short segment L<<424.0,443.0>--<424.0,452.0>>
-* Wgrave (U+1E80) contains a short segment L<<179.0,95.0>--<198.0,95.0>>
-* Wgrave (U+1E80) contains a short segment L<<404.0,95.0>--<421.0,95.0>>
-* wgrave (U+1E81) contains a short segment L<<194.0,95.0>--<199.0,95.0>>
-* wgrave (U+1E81) contains a short segment L<<402.0,96.0>--<405.0,96.0>>
-* Wacute (U+1E82) contains a short segment L<<179.0,95.0>--<198.0,95.0>>
-* Wacute (U+1E82) contains a short segment L<<404.0,95.0>--<421.0,95.0>>
-* wacute (U+1E83) contains a short segment L<<194.0,95.0>--<199.0,95.0>>
-* wacute (U+1E83) contains a short segment L<<402.0,96.0>--<405.0,96.0>>
-* Wdieresis (U+1E84) contains a short segment L<<179.0,95.0>--<198.0,95.0>>
-* Wdieresis (U+1E84) contains a short segment L<<404.0,95.0>--<421.0,95.0>>
-* wdieresis (U+1E85) contains a short segment L<<194.0,95.0>--<199.0,95.0>>
-* wdieresis (U+1E85) contains a short segment L<<402.0,96.0>--<405.0,96.0>>
-* Ygrave (U+1EF2) contains a short segment L<<298.0,414.0>--<300.0,414.0>>
-* ygrave (U+1EF3) contains a short segment L<<433.0,-18.0>--<433.0,0.0>>
-* uni2075 (U+2075) contains a short segment L<<240.0,617.0>--<242.0,612.0>>
-* uni2077 (U+2077) contains a short segment L<<360.0,660.0>--<360.0,664.0>>
-* uni2078 (U+2078) contains a short segment L<<222.0,532.0>--<219.0,532.0>>
-* uni2082 (U+2082) contains a short segment L<<241.0,59.0>--<241.0,57.0>>
-* uni2085 (U+2085) contains a short segment L<<240.0,257.0>--<242.0,252.0>>
-* uni2087 (U+2087) contains a short segment L<<360.0,300.0>--<360.0,304.0>>
-* uni2088 (U+2088) contains a short segment L<<222.0,172.0>--<219.0,172.0>>
-* trademark (U+2122) contains a short segment L<<393.0,422.0>--<393.0,424.0>>
-* oneeighth (U+215B) contains a short segment L<<302.0,8.0>--<299.0,8.0>>
-* fiveeighths (U+215D) contains a short segment L<<120.0,677.0>--<122.0,672.0>>
-* fiveeighths (U+215D) contains a short segment L<<302.0,8.0>--<299.0,8.0>>
-* seveneighths (U+215E) contains a short segment L<<240.0,720.0>--<240.0,724.0>>
-* seveneighths (U+215E) contains a short segment L<<302.0,8.0>--<299.0,8.0>>
-* radical (U+221A) contains a short segment L<<300.0,106.0>--<314.0,106.0>>
-* lozenge (U+25CA) contains a short segment L<<302.0,633.0>--<298.0,633.0>>
-* lozenge (U+25CA) contains a short segment L<<298.0,71.0>--<302.0,71.0>>
-* uni25CC (U+25CC) contains a short segment L<<298.0,770.0>--<300.0,770.0>>
-* uni25CC (U+25CC) contains a short segment L<<-120.0,349.0>--<-120.0,350.0>>
-* kda (U+FFFFF) contains a short segment L<<199.0,352.0>--<199.0,350.0>>
-* kda (U+FFFFF) contains a short segment L<<199.0,249.0>--<198.0,250.0>>
-* kda (U+FFFFF) contains a short segment L<<198.0,250.0>--<199.0,251.0>>
-* kda (U+FFFFF) contains a short segment L<<199.0,350.0>--<198.0,351.0>>
-* kda (U+FFFFF) contains a short segment L<<198.0,351.0>--<199.0,352.0>>
-* kda (U+FFFFF) contains a short segment L<<199.0,251.0>--<199.0,249.0>> [code: found-short-segments]
-⚠️ KodeMono-Regular.ttf
The following glyphs have segments which seem very short:
* five (U+0035) contains a short segment L<<158.0,493.0>--<164.0,483.0>>
-* eight (U+0038) contains a short segment L<<172.0,337.0>--<161.0,337.0>>
-* M (U+004D) contains a short segment L<<255.0,400.0>--<255.0,402.0>>
-* W (U+0057) contains a short segment L<<409.0,72.0>--<433.0,72.0>>
-* Y (U+0059) contains a short segment L<<297.0,410.0>--<299.0,410.0>>
-* Z (U+005A) contains a short segment L<<423.0,410.0>--<441.0,410.0>>
-* w (U+0077) contains a short segment L<<187.0,73.0>--<192.0,73.0>>
-* w (U+0077) contains a short segment L<<409.0,73.0>--<412.0,73.0>>
-* x (U+0078) contains a short segment L<<177.0,241.0>--<177.0,243.0>>
-* z (U+007A) contains a short segment L<<440.0,447.0>--<440.0,459.0>>
-* yen (U+00A5) contains a short segment L<<260.0,337.0>--<260.0,339.0>>
-* yen (U+00A5) contains a short segment L<<298.0,410.0>--<300.0,410.0>>
-* yen (U+00A5) contains a short segment L<<340.0,348.0>--<340.0,337.0>>
-* uni00B2 (U+00B2) contains a short segment L<<241.0,419.0>--<241.0,417.0>>
-* onehalf (U+00BD) contains a short segment L<<321.0,-101.0>--<321.0,-103.0>>
-* Yacute (U+00DD) contains a short segment L<<297.0,410.0>--<299.0,410.0>>
-* ij (U+0133) contains a short segment L<<430.0,-78.0>--<430.0,-64.0>>
-* OE (U+0152) contains a short segment L<<380.0,83.0>--<370.0,72.0>>
-* Wcircumflex (U+0174) contains a short segment L<<409.0,72.0>--<433.0,72.0>>
-* wcircumflex (U+0175) contains a short segment L<<187.0,73.0>--<192.0,73.0>>
-* wcircumflex (U+0175) contains a short segment L<<409.0,73.0>--<412.0,73.0>>
-* Ycircumflex (U+0176) contains a short segment L<<297.0,410.0>--<299.0,410.0>>
-* Ydieresis (U+0178) contains a short segment L<<297.0,410.0>--<299.0,410.0>>
-* Zacute (U+0179) contains a short segment L<<423.0,410.0>--<441.0,410.0>>
-* zacute (U+017A) contains a short segment L<<440.0,447.0>--<440.0,459.0>>
-* Zdotaccent (U+017B) contains a short segment L<<423.0,410.0>--<441.0,410.0>>
-* zdotaccent (U+017C) contains a short segment L<<440.0,447.0>--<440.0,459.0>>
-* Zcaron (U+017D) contains a short segment L<<423.0,410.0>--<441.0,410.0>>
-* zcaron (U+017E) contains a short segment L<<440.0,447.0>--<440.0,459.0>>
-* Wgrave (U+1E80) contains a short segment L<<409.0,72.0>--<433.0,72.0>>
-* wgrave (U+1E81) contains a short segment L<<187.0,73.0>--<192.0,73.0>>
-* wgrave (U+1E81) contains a short segment L<<409.0,73.0>--<412.0,73.0>>
-* Wacute (U+1E82) contains a short segment L<<409.0,72.0>--<433.0,72.0>>
-* wacute (U+1E83) contains a short segment L<<187.0,73.0>--<192.0,73.0>>
-* wacute (U+1E83) contains a short segment L<<409.0,73.0>--<412.0,73.0>>
-* Wdieresis (U+1E84) contains a short segment L<<409.0,72.0>--<433.0,72.0>>
-* wdieresis (U+1E85) contains a short segment L<<187.0,73.0>--<192.0,73.0>>
-* wdieresis (U+1E85) contains a short segment L<<409.0,73.0>--<412.0,73.0>>
-* Ygrave (U+1EF2) contains a short segment L<<297.0,410.0>--<299.0,410.0>>
-* uni2075 (U+2075) contains a short segment L<<240.0,617.0>--<242.0,612.0>>
-* uni2077 (U+2077) contains a short segment L<<360.0,660.0>--<360.0,664.0>>
-* uni2078 (U+2078) contains a short segment L<<222.0,532.0>--<219.0,532.0>>
-* uni2082 (U+2082) contains a short segment L<<241.0,59.0>--<241.0,57.0>>
-* uni2085 (U+2085) contains a short segment L<<240.0,257.0>--<242.0,252.0>>
-* uni2087 (U+2087) contains a short segment L<<360.0,300.0>--<360.0,304.0>>
-* uni2088 (U+2088) contains a short segment L<<222.0,172.0>--<219.0,172.0>>
-* trademark (U+2122) contains a short segment L<<393.0,422.0>--<393.0,424.0>>
-* oneeighth (U+215B) contains a short segment L<<302.0,8.0>--<299.0,8.0>>
-* fiveeighths (U+215D) contains a short segment L<<120.0,677.0>--<122.0,672.0>>
-* fiveeighths (U+215D) contains a short segment L<<302.0,8.0>--<299.0,8.0>>
-* seveneighths (U+215E) contains a short segment L<<240.0,720.0>--<240.0,724.0>>
-* seveneighths (U+215E) contains a short segment L<<302.0,8.0>--<299.0,8.0>>
-* radical (U+221A) contains a short segment L<<299.0,72.0>--<312.0,72.0>>
-* lozenge (U+25CA) contains a short segment L<<302.0,642.0>--<298.0,642.0>>
-* lozenge (U+25CA) contains a short segment L<<298.0,49.0>--<302.0,49.0>>
-* uni25CC (U+25CC) contains a short segment L<<298.0,770.0>--<300.0,770.0>>
-* uni25CC (U+25CC) contains a short segment L<<-120.0,349.0>--<-120.0,350.0>>
-* kda (U+FFFFF) contains a short segment L<<199.0,352.0>--<199.0,350.0>>
-* kda (U+FFFFF) contains a short segment L<<199.0,249.0>--<198.0,250.0>>
-* kda (U+FFFFF) contains a short segment L<<198.0,250.0>--<199.0,251.0>>
-* kda (U+FFFFF) contains a short segment L<<199.0,350.0>--<198.0,351.0>>
-* kda (U+FFFFF) contains a short segment L<<198.0,351.0>--<199.0,352.0>>
-* kda (U+FFFFF) contains a short segment L<<199.0,251.0>--<199.0,249.0>> [code: found-short-segments]
-⚠️ KodeMono-SemiBold.ttf
The following glyphs have segments which seem very short:
* dollar (U+0024) contains a short segment L<<414.0,99.0>--<430.0,112.0>>
-* two (U+0032) contains a short segment L<<174.0,113.0>--<174.0,99.0>>
-* five (U+0035) contains a short segment L<<172.0,506.0>--<177.0,496.0>>
-* eight (U+0038) contains a short segment L<<153.0,342.0>--<146.0,342.0>>
-* M (U+004D) contains a short segment L<<173.0,700.0>--<173.0,683.0>>
-* M (U+004D) contains a short segment L<<255.0,387.0>--<255.0,399.0>>
-* N (U+004E) contains a short segment L<<191.0,587.0>--<173.0,587.0>>
-* S (U+0053) contains a short segment L<<414.0,99.0>--<430.0,112.0>>
-* W (U+0057) contains a short segment L<<193.0,119.0>--<204.0,119.0>>
-* W (U+0057) contains a short segment L<<399.0,118.0>--<410.0,118.0>>
-* Y (U+0059) contains a short segment L<<299.0,418.0>--<301.0,418.0>>
-* Z (U+005A) contains a short segment L<<456.0,423.0>--<468.0,423.0>>
-* a (U+0061) contains a short segment L<<173.0,153.0>--<173.0,149.0>>
-* w (U+0077) contains a short segment L<<201.0,116.0>--<205.0,116.0>>
-* w (U+0077) contains a short segment L<<396.0,120.0>--<399.0,120.0>>
-* x (U+0078) contains a short segment L<<158.0,248.0>--<158.0,250.0>>
-* y (U+0079) contains a short segment L<<427.0,-9.0>--<427.0,0.0>>
-* z (U+007A) contains a short segment L<<407.0,439.0>--<407.0,446.0>>
-* yen (U+00A5) contains a short segment L<<300.0,417.0>--<302.0,417.0>>
-* ordfeminine (U+00AA) contains a short segment L<<173.0,153.0>--<173.0,149.0>>
-* uni00B2 (U+00B2) contains a short segment L<<241.0,419.0>--<241.0,417.0>>
-* onehalf (U+00BD) contains a short segment L<<321.0,-101.0>--<321.0,-103.0>>
-* Ntilde (U+00D1) contains a short segment L<<191.0,587.0>--<173.0,587.0>>
-* Yacute (U+00DD) contains a short segment L<<299.0,418.0>--<301.0,418.0>>
-* agrave (U+00E0) contains a short segment L<<173.0,153.0>--<173.0,149.0>>
-* aacute (U+00E1) contains a short segment L<<173.0,153.0>--<173.0,149.0>>
-* acircumflex (U+00E2) contains a short segment L<<173.0,153.0>--<173.0,149.0>>
-* atilde (U+00E3) contains a short segment L<<173.0,153.0>--<173.0,149.0>>
-* adieresis (U+00E4) contains a short segment L<<173.0,153.0>--<173.0,149.0>>
-* aring (U+00E5) contains a short segment L<<173.0,153.0>--<173.0,149.0>>
-* yacute (U+00FD) contains a short segment L<<427.0,-9.0>--<427.0,0.0>>
-* ydieresis (U+00FF) contains a short segment L<<427.0,-9.0>--<427.0,0.0>>
-* amacron (U+0101) contains a short segment L<<173.0,153.0>--<173.0,149.0>>
-* abreve (U+0103) contains a short segment L<<173.0,153.0>--<173.0,149.0>>
-* aogonek (U+0105) contains a short segment L<<173.0,153.0>--<173.0,149.0>>
-* ij (U+0133) contains a short segment L<<413.0,-70.0>--<413.0,-59.0>>
-* Nacute (U+0143) contains a short segment L<<191.0,587.0>--<173.0,587.0>>
-* uni0145 (U+0145) contains a short segment L<<191.0,587.0>--<173.0,587.0>>
-* Ncaron (U+0147) contains a short segment L<<191.0,587.0>--<173.0,587.0>>
-* Sacute (U+015A) contains a short segment L<<414.0,99.0>--<430.0,112.0>>
-* Scedilla (U+015E) contains a short segment L<<414.0,99.0>--<430.0,112.0>>
-* Scaron (U+0160) contains a short segment L<<414.0,99.0>--<430.0,112.0>>
-* Wcircumflex (U+0174) contains a short segment L<<193.0,119.0>--<204.0,119.0>>
-* Wcircumflex (U+0174) contains a short segment L<<399.0,118.0>--<410.0,118.0>>
-* wcircumflex (U+0175) contains a short segment L<<201.0,116.0>--<205.0,116.0>>
-* wcircumflex (U+0175) contains a short segment L<<396.0,120.0>--<399.0,120.0>>
-* Ycircumflex (U+0176) contains a short segment L<<299.0,418.0>--<301.0,418.0>>
-* ycircumflex (U+0177) contains a short segment L<<427.0,-9.0>--<427.0,0.0>>
-* Ydieresis (U+0178) contains a short segment L<<299.0,418.0>--<301.0,418.0>>
-* Zacute (U+0179) contains a short segment L<<456.0,423.0>--<468.0,423.0>>
-* zacute (U+017A) contains a short segment L<<407.0,439.0>--<407.0,446.0>>
-* Zdotaccent (U+017B) contains a short segment L<<456.0,423.0>--<468.0,423.0>>
-* zdotaccent (U+017C) contains a short segment L<<407.0,439.0>--<407.0,446.0>>
-* Zcaron (U+017D) contains a short segment L<<456.0,423.0>--<468.0,423.0>>
-* zcaron (U+017E) contains a short segment L<<407.0,439.0>--<407.0,446.0>>
-* uni0218 (U+0218) contains a short segment L<<414.0,99.0>--<430.0,112.0>>
-* Wgrave (U+1E80) contains a short segment L<<193.0,119.0>--<204.0,119.0>>
-* Wgrave (U+1E80) contains a short segment L<<399.0,118.0>--<410.0,118.0>>
-* wgrave (U+1E81) contains a short segment L<<201.0,116.0>--<205.0,116.0>>
-* wgrave (U+1E81) contains a short segment L<<396.0,120.0>--<399.0,120.0>>
-* Wacute (U+1E82) contains a short segment L<<193.0,119.0>--<204.0,119.0>>
-* Wacute (U+1E82) contains a short segment L<<399.0,118.0>--<410.0,118.0>>
-* wacute (U+1E83) contains a short segment L<<201.0,116.0>--<205.0,116.0>>
-* wacute (U+1E83) contains a short segment L<<396.0,120.0>--<399.0,120.0>>
-* Wdieresis (U+1E84) contains a short segment L<<193.0,119.0>--<204.0,119.0>>
-* Wdieresis (U+1E84) contains a short segment L<<399.0,118.0>--<410.0,118.0>>
-* wdieresis (U+1E85) contains a short segment L<<201.0,116.0>--<205.0,116.0>>
-* wdieresis (U+1E85) contains a short segment L<<396.0,120.0>--<399.0,120.0>>
-* Ygrave (U+1EF2) contains a short segment L<<299.0,418.0>--<301.0,418.0>>
-* ygrave (U+1EF3) contains a short segment L<<427.0,-9.0>--<427.0,0.0>>
-* uni2075 (U+2075) contains a short segment L<<240.0,617.0>--<242.0,612.0>>
-* uni2077 (U+2077) contains a short segment L<<360.0,660.0>--<360.0,664.0>>
-* uni2078 (U+2078) contains a short segment L<<222.0,532.0>--<219.0,532.0>>
-* uni2082 (U+2082) contains a short segment L<<241.0,59.0>--<241.0,57.0>>
-* uni2085 (U+2085) contains a short segment L<<240.0,257.0>--<242.0,252.0>>
-* uni2087 (U+2087) contains a short segment L<<360.0,300.0>--<360.0,304.0>>
-* uni2088 (U+2088) contains a short segment L<<222.0,172.0>--<219.0,172.0>>
-* uni20BF (U+20BF) contains a short segment L<<423.0,410.0>--<439.0,410.0>>
-* trademark (U+2122) contains a short segment L<<393.0,422.0>--<393.0,424.0>>
-* oneeighth (U+215B) contains a short segment L<<302.0,8.0>--<299.0,8.0>>
-* fiveeighths (U+215D) contains a short segment L<<120.0,677.0>--<122.0,672.0>>
-* fiveeighths (U+215D) contains a short segment L<<302.0,8.0>--<299.0,8.0>>
-* seveneighths (U+215E) contains a short segment L<<240.0,720.0>--<240.0,724.0>>
-* seveneighths (U+215E) contains a short segment L<<302.0,8.0>--<299.0,8.0>>
-* radical (U+221A) contains a short segment L<<302.0,139.0>--<316.0,139.0>>
-* lozenge (U+25CA) contains a short segment L<<302.0,623.0>--<298.0,623.0>>
-* lozenge (U+25CA) contains a short segment L<<298.0,92.0>--<302.0,92.0>>
-* uni25CC (U+25CC) contains a short segment L<<298.0,770.0>--<300.0,770.0>>
-* uni25CC (U+25CC) contains a short segment L<<-120.0,349.0>--<-120.0,350.0>>
-* kda (U+FFFFF) contains a short segment L<<199.0,352.0>--<199.0,350.0>>
-* kda (U+FFFFF) contains a short segment L<<199.0,249.0>--<198.0,250.0>>
-* kda (U+FFFFF) contains a short segment L<<198.0,250.0>--<199.0,251.0>>
-* kda (U+FFFFF) contains a short segment L<<199.0,350.0>--<198.0,351.0>>
-* kda (U+FFFFF) contains a short segment L<<198.0,351.0>--<199.0,352.0>>
-* kda (U+FFFFF) contains a short segment L<<199.0,251.0>--<199.0,249.0>> [code: found-short-segments]
Do outlines contain any semi-vertical or semi-horizontal lines?
- Welcome to my personal website! This is my own little spot where I post articles and journal entries.
- I am a nineteen years old passionate free software and hardware enthusiast from the Slovak Republic. I have studied
- programming of CNCs and welding machinery. I am currently employeed. I am the lead admin and founder of Drgnz Club
- community network which is a small group of like-minded people.
- There are quite a lot of things that I am fond of. I enjoy things such as film photography, journaling and fountain pens, reading
- books and the bible, listening to music and many more things. But I also am interested in the technology aswell, I do some
- 3D printing and sometimes design simple models in FreeCAD. I run a GNU/Linux server with my partner and I also like radio
- communication technology. And for the physical activities, I enjoy going for walks and hikes to the forest and meadows, sometimes
- I do few light exercises.
- I prefer to use free and open-source software over proprietary software, that's why I use Gentoo Linux as my main operating system.
- My favorite processor and graphics card brand is AMD so I have AMD only system. AMD is said to have better performance and compatibility
- on GNU/Linux so that is a big plus, but I also think that AMD is overall much cooler.
- Currently I use Sway as my tiling window manager, I really prefer tiling WMs over DEs because of organized it can get and how customizable
- it is.
- I am a nineteen years old passionate free software and hardware enthusiast from the Slovak Republic. I have studied
- programming of CNCs and welding machinery. I am currently employeed. I am the lead admin and founder of Drgnz Club
- community network which is a small group of like-minded people.
- There are quite a lot of things that I am fond of. I enjoy things such as film photography, journaling and fountain pens, reading
- books and the bible, listening to music and many more things. But I also am interested in the technology aswell, I do some
- 3D printing and sometimes design simple models in FreeCAD. I run a GNU/Linux server with my partner and I also like radio
- communication technology. And for the physical activities, I enjoy going for walks and hikes to the forest and meadows, sometimes
- I do few light exercises.
- I prefer to use free and open-source software over proprietary software, that's why I use Gentoo Linux as my main operating system.
- My favorite processor and graphics card brand is AMD so I have AMD only system. AMD is said to have better performance and compatibility
- on GNU/Linux so that is a big plus, but I also think that AMD is overall much cooler.
- Currently I use Sway as my tiling window manager, I really prefer tiling WMs over DEs because of organized it can get and how customizable
- it is.
My system
My main system is a custom built AMD dragon beast.
OS: Gentoo Linux
WM: Sway
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5700X (16) @ 4.750GHz
GPU: AMD ATI Radeon RX 470
RAM: 32GB DDR4 Dual-Channel
My 3D printer
- I have some cheaper printer which is Creality Ender 3 v2, but it is
- modded somewhat.
Hotend: Creality stock MK8
Extruder: Direct Drive MK8
Duct: Mini satsana
Probe: CR Touch
Cooling: 1x 4010 axial, 1x 4010 radial
Linux and open-source enthusiast.
Contact me
- If you want to contact me whether you would like to ask me something or just find me interesting you can do it
- trough options listed below.
- My printer is Creality Ender 3 v2, I bought it because it is a classic well known printer brand and because
- it is the newer and apperently better version of the good old Ender 3 which almost everyone has. So far it has
- been printing well, except that I have issues with the glass baseplate. I might switch it out for magnetic one
- in the future.
- I have attempted to flash custom firmware that I have recompiled with host actions turned on. First tries it
- was failing because I didn't know that I have the newer LCD screen. I had to use a different format of uploading
- the screen assets. I GIMPed my own bootscreen with cute fluffy dragons but the firmware doesn't seem to show it up
- for some reason..
- I have already printed out a lot of things like HDD Organizer, USB & SDCard organizer, Pwnagotchi case,
- Benchy (calibration model), statue of my WF logo, protogen and some BD and HP keychains.
- Several days ago I have visited Jacob again. We have installed
- Gentoo Linux and watched some movies again. Jacob set up a couch linux gaming machine which used
- Steam big picture view. We played Black Mesa and Soma for some time.
- We were going out to the woods often to get some fresh air and find Geocaches (worldwide scavenger
- hunt game). We found a lot of geocaches, my favorite caches are at "Jezevci studanka" because it was
- pretty comfy, and a mystery cache in a water drain pipe which was infested with big spiders! The cache
- was around 60 meters far in the pipe. We had to get trough ice cold water to get it. I published a lot
- of the photos at this gallery page!
- Together we have created our own geocache at studanka u Melatinu. The cache's code is GCA6XWK.
- Five people have found it in the first day, later days it went bit slower.
- Couple of days ago I started selfhosting a privacy friendly and free youtube front-end called Invidious.
- I have been thinking about something like this for a longer time because wanted to have something like that
- myself. You can find my instance at yt.waffelo.net.
- I also have added pictures from Krakow trip in December of 2022 to the public gallery.
- Yesterday I have started my own Minecraft server on 1.20 called DrgnCraft. Which is part of the Drgnz.club network. The server is mostly without rules. The only rules are to use common sense and to be nice to others. Griefing others' builds isn't the greatest thing to do because you will get bonked by everyone.
- The server is set in offline mode, that means that it is not conneceting to the Mojang servers and you don't need an official account. You can play with a cracked Minecraft client. You can also set any skin you want thanks to the SkinRestorer plugin. There is also a password protection plugin so others don't log into your account.
- I haven't made an update to my personal website in a very long time, mainly because of
- laziness and demotivation. But I am willing to restart my habit working on the website
- and make it active again.
- Many things have happened while the website was being neglected. I got new interests,
- worked on several things, found and lost friends, got new setup and got closer to my
- partner.
- I am currently in a process of moving things into my new website. This might take a while
- to port all my journal entries and blog articles. If I used HUGO then it would be much
- easier, but I don't know how to work with that. I might reattempt it sometime in the future.
diff --git a/journal/2024/may/longtime.html b/journal/2024/may/longtime.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cb95c4..0000000
--- a/journal/2024/may/longtime.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
- Long time no see
- It has been a while since I journaled the last time. Simply said, I pretty much lost my motivation to do things like blogging
- and some computer projects. But I will try to restart my work and do more Linux and tech related things. I just need to finish
- my finals that I will have in late May and it will be better.
- This is a small guide on how to do encrypted Gentoo install. This isn't really an all purpose article for all
- cases, I just wrote this while I was installing Gentoo on my Thinkpad T430 laptop and wanted to make a article
- that maybe could help someone a bit.
Preparing disks
- First you will have to prepare your disk for the Gentoo installation. This will be the base for your entire system.
- You will have to create four partitions (bios boot, boot, swap and root) using the program gdisk
- and then use the cryptsetup command on the root partition to create encrypted luks container.
Creating an encrypted container
cryptsetup -yv luksFormat /dev/sda4
Opening the encrypted container
Note that the pharse at the end of the command is the mapper name, you can choose any.
cryptsetup open /dev/sdb4 root
After opening the encrypted container, you can notice that it is located in the /dev/mapper/root.
Formatting the partitions
Now format the boot partition to ext4 and root to btrfs. And don't forget to format swap parition.
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda2
mkfs.btrfs /dev/mapper/root
mkswap /dev/sda3
Preparing the system
- In this step you will need to download the stage3 tarball from the Gentoo website and extract it installation
- /mnt/gentoo/. In my case I will be using amd64 desktop profile with OpenRC.
Mounting the disk
- First you will need to create /mnt/gentoo/ and /mnt/gentoo/boot/
mkdir -p /mnt/gentoo/boot
And then mount the partitions
mount /dev/mapper/root /mnt/gentoo
mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/gentoo/boot
Downloading and extracting the stage3 tarball
- Go to the Gentoo download website and copy the download link of the selected tarball and download it into
- /mnt/gentoo/.
cd /mnt/gentoo
wget [tarball link]
After downloading the tarball, extract it using this command:
tar xpvf stage3-*.tar.xz --xattrs-include='*.*' --numeric-owner
After it is done extracting the tarball, you can delete the .tar.xz file.
Configuring compile options
- This is very important thing to set, most of your packages will be compiled with the settings you set in the
- /mnt/gentoo/etc/portage/make.conf. I will show you some important things to set
- for this guide. Use this wiki page
- for your invididual configuration as an help guide.
- Most importantly don't forget to set your -march= to your CPU architecture. If you are
- compiling on the computer that will the Gentoo used on then just set -march=native and
- if not then go to this wiki page and find the code for the CPU
- that you will use this Gentoo installation on. In my case I will be setting -march=westmere.
- You should also set your CPU_FLAGS_X86 to your CPU flags. You can do it by booting into Gentoo
- liveiso from an usb flash drive on the computer you will use this Gentoo installation on and running the
- cpuid2cpuflags command to list all the tags.
- Rust software is spreading like COVID-19 few years ago, so I would advise you to include
- RUSTFLAGS="${COMMON_FLAGS}" in your make.conf.
- You should also include this quality of life option that will automatically append these flags when you will go compile
- something. EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS="--ask --verbose"
- You will want to have faster downloads from the Gentoo mirrors. So you should set the GENTOO_MIRRORS
- to the closest mirror there is to you. You can find mirrors by going to this wiki page.
- You also will want to set the VIDEO_CARD option so your video drivers get compiled. I will use
- the VIDEO_CARDS="intel" on my ThinkPad because it has an integeated GPU. If you don't know which
- flag to set, go to this wiki page to find the
- GPU flag you need.
- For the Grub bootloader you will want to set GRUB_PLATFORMS="pc" since this guide is focused on
- installation with legacy boot.
- If you compile on a better CPU than the installation will be used on, you can set the MAKE_OPTS="-j" to the availabile
- resources you have. I am compiling this installation on AMD Ryzen 7 so I will be using MAKEOPTS="-j16".
- Make sure you will adjust the -j number to the CPU your installation will be used on after you are done with installing Gentoo.
- This is optional, but if you want to use only Free Software, you could opt to set ACCEPT_LICENSE="-* @FREE".
- I personally set this on all my machines.
The last thing we will set are the USE flags. You can put there any compile options you want, but make sure you include these few
- flags: device-mapper, crypt, elogind. You can add your flags that can be found on this
- wiki page.
After running this script, you should be chrooted in your new gentoo installation enviroment.
Configuring portage
We already have done some steps for configuring portage earlier, so we will skip them. Now, run these
- two commands to configure the Gentoo ebuild repository:
Now you have to download the Gentoo ebuild repository.
Selecting a profile
- A profile is a set of specific use flags, variables and version ranges. You need to choose a profile that will
- suit your use case. This installation is intended for desktop use, so I will select the
- default/linux/amd64/23.0/desktop profile. To view profiles, you need to run this command:
It is most likely that the desktop profile is already selected if you have downloaded the desktop stage3 tarball.
- If not, then run the command below with the option number at the end. Then the blue asterisk should move to your
- selected option. For example, in my case I selected the number 23.
eselect profile set (your number)
Updating the packages
After doing changes to the use flags in make,conf, we will want to update our current packages so they are built in the
- way we wanted to.
If you want your system time to be correct, you should set your system's timezone. You can look at all the timezones availabile
- by running this command:
ls -l /usr/share/zoneinfo
You can also ls deeper into the directory of your continent to see the availabile timezones.
ls -l /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe
And then echo the timezone into the timezone file. For example, I will use Europe/Bratislava.
echo "(your timezone)" > /etc/timezone
And finally, finish it by emerging timezone-data.
emerge --config sys-libs/timezone-data
Installing vim
This is optional, but if you want to edit files using vim instead of nano, then emerge vim.
emerge vim
Generating locale
Now you will want to generate the locale by editing locale.gen. Just simply uncomment a line with your locale.
vim /etc/locale.gen
If you don't know how to type in locale code of your language, run this command to view supported locales:
less /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED
And now just generate the locale.
Selecting locale
Now list your locales with eselect. It is likely that your locale is already selected.
eselect locale list
And set your locale
eselect locale set (number of your option)
And now finally reload your enviroment using following command:
- Now it is time to install the core of the operating system, the kernel. It will have to be installed bit differently
- than it is being done normally. You will have to use the genkernel command with few use
- flags.
- You might want to use the linux-firmware package if you use proprietary drivers for wifi,
- bluetooth, etc.. But even if you don't need it like me since I have atheros wifi card, you will need to set a
- -firmware in the /etc/portage/package.use/sys-kernel file.
I need linux firmware
If you use proprietary drivers, you will need the firmware. You need to add ~amd64
- keyword to the package.accept_keywords file.
Adding ~amd64 to the /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords/sys-kernel
To install kernel, you will need to download two packages. The genkernel which is a tool
- that automates building the kernel. And gentoo-sources which includes the kernel source.
emerge genkernel gentoo-sources
Before you can compile the kernel, you need to select it with the eselect command.
- Do this command to list the availabile kernels:
eselect kernel list
And then select the kernel. In most cases it will be 1 in new installation.
eselect kernel set 1
After selecting the kernel, run this command that will start the compiltion of the kernel. The command contains
- necessary flags for encrypted installation. note: this might take a long time.
genkernel --luks --lvm --busybox all
Generating fstab
All of your partitions that will be used in your system must be in the /etc/fstab file
- where are all the mount points and options on how they should be mounted set.
Run the command blkid to find the UUIDs of your partitions.
After succesfuly finishing all the previous steps, you shall proceed to the installation of
- grub. Grub is a software that helps you boot your system upon pressing the power button on your
- pc.
Install the grub package and make sure you have GRUB_PLATFORMS="pc" in your
- emerge configs.
emerge --ask --verbose sys-boot/grub
Configuring grub
Now you will need to configure your grub to work with encryption. You can find the configuration file at
- /etc/default/grub/grub.
Your grub config should look something like this, change only the shown parameters. Make sure to put your LUKS partition instead of the one in my
- example. It is the same UUID as in fstab root parition.
Now that you are done, you will need to exit your installation enviroment safely.
umount -l /mnt/gentoo/dev{/shm,/pts,}
umount -R /mnt/gentoo
Now you can reboot your system.
The article is not finished
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index a53cbde..0000000
Binary files a/waffelo.net/assets/fonts/kode-mono-fonts/fonts/webfonts/KodeMono[wght].woff2 and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/waffelo.net/assets/fonts/kode-mono-fonts/out/badges/GoogleFonts.json b/waffelo.net/assets/fonts/kode-mono-fonts/out/badges/GoogleFonts.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 848cf1a..0000000
--- a/waffelo.net/assets/fonts/kode-mono-fonts/out/badges/GoogleFonts.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- "color": "green",
- "label": "Google Fonts",
- "logoSvg": "",
- "message": "87%",
- "schemaVersion": 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/waffelo.net/assets/fonts/kode-mono-fonts/out/badges/OutlineCorrectnessChecks.json b/waffelo.net/assets/fonts/kode-mono-fonts/out/badges/OutlineCorrectnessChecks.json
deleted file mode 100644
index b3eff78..0000000
--- a/waffelo.net/assets/fonts/kode-mono-fonts/out/badges/OutlineCorrectnessChecks.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- "color": "orange",
- "label": "Outline Correctness Checks",
- "logoSvg": "",
- "message": "50%",
- "schemaVersion": 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/waffelo.net/assets/fonts/kode-mono-fonts/out/badges/ShapingChecks.json b/waffelo.net/assets/fonts/kode-mono-fonts/out/badges/ShapingChecks.json
deleted file mode 100644
index d56cdaf..0000000
--- a/waffelo.net/assets/fonts/kode-mono-fonts/out/badges/ShapingChecks.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- "color": "brightgreen",
- "label": "Shaping Checks",
- "logoSvg": "",
- "message": "100%",
- "schemaVersion": 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/waffelo.net/assets/fonts/kode-mono-fonts/out/badges/Universal.json b/waffelo.net/assets/fonts/kode-mono-fonts/out/badges/Universal.json
deleted file mode 100644
index d84470f..0000000
--- a/waffelo.net/assets/fonts/kode-mono-fonts/out/badges/Universal.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- "color": "green",
- "label": "Universal",
- "logoSvg": "",
- "message": "87%",
- "schemaVersion": 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/waffelo.net/assets/fonts/kode-mono-fonts/out/badges/overall.json b/waffelo.net/assets/fonts/kode-mono-fonts/out/badges/overall.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f9c5a8e..0000000
--- a/waffelo.net/assets/fonts/kode-mono-fonts/out/badges/overall.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- "color": "green",
- "label": "FontBakery QA",
- "logoSvg": "",
- "message": "88%",
- "schemaVersion": 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/waffelo.net/assets/fonts/kode-mono-fonts/out/fontbakery/fontbakery-report.html b/waffelo.net/assets/fonts/kode-mono-fonts/out/fontbakery/fontbakery-report.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 746e250..0000000
--- a/waffelo.net/assets/fonts/kode-mono-fonts/out/fontbakery/fontbakery-report.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1635 +0,0 @@
- FontBakery Check Report
- Fontbakery Technical Report
If you think a check is flawed or have an idea for a check, please file an issue at https://github.com/fonttools/fontbakery/issues and remember to include a pointer to the repo and branch you're checking.
Note: The following loglevels were omitted in this report: SKIP, INFO, PASS, DEBUG
Meaning of check results:
💥 An ERROR is something wrong with FontBakery itself, possibly a bug.
☠ A FATAL is an extremely severe issue that must be addressed
- immediately.
🔥 A FAIL is a problem with the font that must be fixed.
⚠️ A WARN is something that you should consider addressing.
ℹ️ An INFO result simply prints something useful. Typically stats.
✅ A PASS means the font looks good for the given checking routine.
⏩ And a SKIP happens when the check does not apply to the given font.
If you get ERRORs, please help us improve the tool by reporting them at our
- issue tracker.
(but other kinds of bug reports and/or feature requests
- are also always welcome, of course!)
OS/2 VendorID value 'KDA�' is not yet recognized. If you registered it recently, then it's safe to ignore this warning message. Otherwise, you should set it to your own unique 4 character code, and register it with Microsoft at https://www.microsoft.com/typography/links/vendorlist.aspx
-[code: unknown]
-⚠️ KodeMono-Bold.ttf
OS/2 VendorID value 'KDA�' is not yet recognized. If you registered it recently, then it's safe to ignore this warning message. Otherwise, you should set it to your own unique 4 character code, and register it with Microsoft at https://www.microsoft.com/typography/links/vendorlist.aspx
-[code: unknown]
-⚠️ KodeMono-Regular.ttf
OS/2 VendorID value 'KDA�' is not yet recognized. If you registered it recently, then it's safe to ignore this warning message. Otherwise, you should set it to your own unique 4 character code, and register it with Microsoft at https://www.microsoft.com/typography/links/vendorlist.aspx
-[code: unknown]
-⚠️ KodeMono-SemiBold.ttf
OS/2 VendorID value 'KDA�' is not yet recognized. If you registered it recently, then it's safe to ignore this warning message. Otherwise, you should set it to your own unique 4 character code, and register it with Microsoft at https://www.microsoft.com/typography/links/vendorlist.aspx
-[code: unknown]
Check for codepoints not covered by METADATA subsets.
The following codepoints supported by the font are not covered by
-any subsets defined in the font's metadata file, and will never
-be served. You can solve this by either manually adding additional
-subset declarations to METADATA.pb, or by editing the glyphset
U+02C7 CARON: try adding one of: tifinagh, yi, canadian-aboriginal
U+02D8 BREVE: try adding one of: yi, canadian-aboriginal
U+02D9 DOT ABOVE: try adding one of: yi, canadian-aboriginal
U+02DB OGONEK: try adding one of: yi, canadian-aboriginal
U+02DD DOUBLE ACUTE ACCENT: not included in any glyphset definition
Or you can add the above codepoints to one of the subsets supported by the font: latin, latin-ext [code: unreachable-subsetting]
-⚠️ KodeMono-Bold.ttf
The following codepoints supported by the font are not covered by
-any subsets defined in the font's metadata file, and will never
-be served. You can solve this by either manually adding additional
-subset declarations to METADATA.pb, or by editing the glyphset
U+02C7 CARON: try adding one of: tifinagh, yi, canadian-aboriginal
U+02D8 BREVE: try adding one of: yi, canadian-aboriginal
U+02D9 DOT ABOVE: try adding one of: yi, canadian-aboriginal
U+02DB OGONEK: try adding one of: yi, canadian-aboriginal
U+02DD DOUBLE ACUTE ACCENT: not included in any glyphset definition
Or you can add the above codepoints to one of the subsets supported by the font: latin, latin-ext [code: unreachable-subsetting]
-⚠️ KodeMono-Regular.ttf
The following codepoints supported by the font are not covered by
-any subsets defined in the font's metadata file, and will never
-be served. You can solve this by either manually adding additional
-subset declarations to METADATA.pb, or by editing the glyphset
U+02C7 CARON: try adding one of: tifinagh, yi, canadian-aboriginal
U+02D8 BREVE: try adding one of: yi, canadian-aboriginal
U+02D9 DOT ABOVE: try adding one of: yi, canadian-aboriginal
U+02DB OGONEK: try adding one of: yi, canadian-aboriginal
U+02DD DOUBLE ACUTE ACCENT: not included in any glyphset definition
Or you can add the above codepoints to one of the subsets supported by the font: latin, latin-ext [code: unreachable-subsetting]
-⚠️ KodeMono-SemiBold.ttf
The following codepoints supported by the font are not covered by
-any subsets defined in the font's metadata file, and will never
-be served. You can solve this by either manually adding additional
-subset declarations to METADATA.pb, or by editing the glyphset
U+02C7 CARON: try adding one of: tifinagh, yi, canadian-aboriginal
U+02D8 BREVE: try adding one of: yi, canadian-aboriginal
U+02D9 DOT ABOVE: try adding one of: yi, canadian-aboriginal
U+02DB OGONEK: try adding one of: yi, canadian-aboriginal
U+02DD DOUBLE ACUTE ACCENT: not included in any glyphset definition
Or you can add the above codepoints to one of the subsets supported by the font: latin, latin-ext [code: unreachable-subsetting]
Check copyright namerecords match license file.
Check ID: com.google.fonts/check/name/license
-🔥 KodeMono-Medium.ttf
License file OFL.txt exists but NameID 13 (LICENSE DESCRIPTION) value on platform 3 (WINDOWS) is not specified for that. Value was: "This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This license is available with a FAQ at: https://openfontlicense.org" Must be changed to "This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This license is available with a FAQ at: https://scripts.sil.org/OFL" [code: wrong]
-🔥 KodeMono-Bold.ttf
License file OFL.txt exists but NameID 13 (LICENSE DESCRIPTION) value on platform 3 (WINDOWS) is not specified for that. Value was: "This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This license is available with a FAQ at: https://openfontlicense.org" Must be changed to "This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This license is available with a FAQ at: https://scripts.sil.org/OFL" [code: wrong]
-🔥 KodeMono-Regular.ttf
License file OFL.txt exists but NameID 13 (LICENSE DESCRIPTION) value on platform 3 (WINDOWS) is not specified for that. Value was: "This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This license is available with a FAQ at: https://openfontlicense.org" Must be changed to "This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This license is available with a FAQ at: https://scripts.sil.org/OFL" [code: wrong]
-🔥 KodeMono-SemiBold.ttf
License file OFL.txt exists but NameID 13 (LICENSE DESCRIPTION) value on platform 3 (WINDOWS) is not specified for that. Value was: "This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This license is available with a FAQ at: https://openfontlicense.org" Must be changed to "This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This license is available with a FAQ at: https://scripts.sil.org/OFL" [code: wrong]
Ensure fonts have ScriptLangTags declared on the 'meta' table.
The following glyphs could not be reached by codepoint or substitution rules:
- at.001
-- nobreakspace
[code: unreachable-glyphs]
-⚠️ KodeMono-Bold.ttf
The following glyphs could not be reached by codepoint or substitution rules:
- at.001
-- nobreakspace
[code: unreachable-glyphs]
-⚠️ KodeMono-Regular.ttf
The following glyphs could not be reached by codepoint or substitution rules:
- at.001
-- nobreakspace
[code: unreachable-glyphs]
-⚠️ KodeMono-SemiBold.ttf
The following glyphs could not be reached by codepoint or substitution rules:
- at.001
-- nobreakspace
[code: unreachable-glyphs]
Check if each glyph has the recommended amount of contours.
Check ID: com.google.fonts/check/contour_count
-⚠️ KodeMono-Medium.ttf
This check inspects the glyph outlines and detects the total number of contours in each of them. The expected values are infered from the typical ammounts of contours observed in a large collection of reference font families. The divergences listed below may simply indicate a significantly different design on some of your glyphs. On the other hand, some of these may flag actual bugs in the font such as glyphs mapped to an incorrect codepoint. Please consider reviewing the design and codepoint assignment of these to make sure they are correct.
The following glyphs do not have the recommended number of contours:
This check inspects the glyph outlines and detects the total number of contours in each of them. The expected values are infered from the typical ammounts of contours observed in a large collection of reference font families. The divergences listed below may simply indicate a significantly different design on some of your glyphs. On the other hand, some of these may flag actual bugs in the font such as glyphs mapped to an incorrect codepoint. Please consider reviewing the design and codepoint assignment of these to make sure they are correct.
The following glyphs do not have the recommended number of contours:
This check inspects the glyph outlines and detects the total number of contours in each of them. The expected values are infered from the typical ammounts of contours observed in a large collection of reference font families. The divergences listed below may simply indicate a significantly different design on some of your glyphs. On the other hand, some of these may flag actual bugs in the font such as glyphs mapped to an incorrect codepoint. Please consider reviewing the design and codepoint assignment of these to make sure they are correct.
The following glyphs do not have the recommended number of contours:
This check inspects the glyph outlines and detects the total number of contours in each of them. The expected values are infered from the typical ammounts of contours observed in a large collection of reference font families. The divergences listed below may simply indicate a significantly different design on some of your glyphs. On the other hand, some of these may flag actual bugs in the font such as glyphs mapped to an incorrect codepoint. Please consider reviewing the design and codepoint assignment of these to make sure they are correct.
The following glyphs do not have the recommended number of contours:
The following glyphs have on-curve points which have potentially incorrect y coordinates:
* bracketleft (U+005B): X=447.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* bracketleft (U+005B): X=247.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* g (U+0067): X=180.0,Y=-1.0 (should be at baseline 0?)
-* braceleft (U+007B): X=507.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* braceleft (U+007B): X=368.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* braceright (U+007D): X=235.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* braceright (U+007D): X=93.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* section (U+00A7): X=99.0,Y=698.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* aacute (U+00E1): X=434.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* eacute (U+00E9): X=415.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* ograve (U+00F2): X=184.0,Y=701.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* oacute (U+00F3): X=418.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* ugrave (U+00F9): X=183.0,Y=701.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* uacute (U+00FA): X=417.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* Aogonek (U+0104): X=520.0,Y=1.0 (should be at baseline 0?)
-* gbreve (U+011F): X=180.0,Y=-1.0 (should be at baseline 0?)
-* gbreve (U+011F): X=106.0,Y=701.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* gbreve (U+011F): X=454.0,Y=701.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* gdotaccent (U+0121): X=180.0,Y=-1.0 (should be at baseline 0?)
-* uni0123 (U+0123): X=180.0,Y=-1.0 (should be at baseline 0?)
-* nacute (U+0144): X=459.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* racute (U+0155): X=486.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* sacute (U+015B): X=420.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* scedilla (U+015F): X=229.0,Y=2.0 (should be at baseline 0?)
-* scedilla (U+015F): X=326.0,Y=2.0 (should be at baseline 0?)
-* wgrave (U+1E81): X=183.0,Y=701.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* wacute (U+1E83): X=417.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* Euro (U+20AC): X=181.0,Y=701.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* Euro (U+20AC): X=468.0,Y=701.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* seveneighths (U+215E): X=300.0,Y=701.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* uni25CC (U+25CC): X=531.5,Y=700.5 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* uni25CC (U+25CC): X=67.5,Y=0.5 (should be at baseline 0?) [code: found-misalignments]
-⚠️ KodeMono-Bold.ttf
The following glyphs have on-curve points which have potentially incorrect y coordinates:
* ocircumflex (U+00F4): X=302.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* ucircumflex (U+00FB): X=300.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* cacute (U+0107): X=163.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* wcircumflex (U+0175): X=300.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* seveneighths (U+215E): X=300.0,Y=701.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* uni25CC (U+25CC): X=67.5,Y=0.5 (should be at baseline 0?) [code: found-misalignments]
-⚠️ KodeMono-Regular.ttf
The following glyphs have on-curve points which have potentially incorrect y coordinates:
* Aogonek (U+0104): X=520.0,Y=1.0 (should be at baseline 0?)
-* seveneighths (U+215E): X=300.0,Y=701.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* uni25CC (U+25CC): X=532.0,Y=701.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* uni25CC (U+25CC): X=68.0,Y=1.0 (should be at baseline 0?) [code: found-misalignments]
-⚠️ KodeMono-SemiBold.ttf
The following glyphs have on-curve points which have potentially incorrect y coordinates:
* macron (U+00AF): X=444.0,Y=701.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* macron (U+00AF): X=156.0,Y=701.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* aring (U+00E5): X=265.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* aring (U+00E5): X=361.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* zcaron (U+017E): X=300.0,Y=698.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* circumflex (U+02C6): X=300.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* uni0302 (U+0302): X=300.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* uni0304 (U+0304): X=444.0,Y=701.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* uni0304 (U+0304): X=156.0,Y=701.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* uni0312 (U+0312): X=293.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* underscoredbl (U+2017): X=560.0,Y=-301.0 (should be at descender -300?)
-* underscoredbl (U+2017): X=40.0,Y=-301.0 (should be at descender -300?)
-* Euro (U+20AC): X=177.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* Euro (U+20AC): X=471.0,Y=702.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* seveneighths (U+215E): X=300.0,Y=701.0 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* uni25CC (U+25CC): X=531.5,Y=700.5 (should be at cap-height 700?)
-* uni25CC (U+25CC): X=67.5,Y=0.5 (should be at baseline 0?) [code: found-misalignments]
The following glyphs have segments which seem very short:
* five (U+0035) contains a short segment L<<165.0,500.0>--<170.0,490.0>>
-* eight (U+0038) contains a short segment L<<163.0,339.0>--<153.0,339.0>>
-* M (U+004D) contains a short segment L<<166.0,700.0>--<166.0,678.0>>
-* M (U+004D) contains a short segment L<<255.0,394.0>--<255.0,400.0>>
-* W (U+0057) contains a short segment L<<179.0,95.0>--<198.0,95.0>>
-* W (U+0057) contains a short segment L<<404.0,95.0>--<421.0,95.0>>
-* Y (U+0059) contains a short segment L<<298.0,414.0>--<300.0,414.0>>
-* Z (U+005A) contains a short segment L<<439.0,417.0>--<455.0,417.0>>
-* w (U+0077) contains a short segment L<<194.0,95.0>--<199.0,95.0>>
-* w (U+0077) contains a short segment L<<402.0,96.0>--<405.0,96.0>>
-* x (U+0078) contains a short segment L<<167.0,244.0>--<167.0,246.0>>
-* y (U+0079) contains a short segment L<<433.0,-18.0>--<433.0,0.0>>
-* z (U+007A) contains a short segment L<<424.0,443.0>--<424.0,452.0>>
-* yen (U+00A5) contains a short segment L<<299.0,414.0>--<301.0,414.0>>
-* uni00B2 (U+00B2) contains a short segment L<<241.0,419.0>--<241.0,417.0>>
-* onehalf (U+00BD) contains a short segment L<<321.0,-101.0>--<321.0,-103.0>>
-* Yacute (U+00DD) contains a short segment L<<298.0,414.0>--<300.0,414.0>>
-* yacute (U+00FD) contains a short segment L<<433.0,-18.0>--<433.0,0.0>>
-* ydieresis (U+00FF) contains a short segment L<<433.0,-18.0>--<433.0,0.0>>
-* ij (U+0133) contains a short segment L<<422.0,-74.0>--<422.0,-61.0>>
-* OE (U+0152) contains a short segment L<<387.0,99.0>--<375.0,86.0>>
-* Wcircumflex (U+0174) contains a short segment L<<179.0,95.0>--<198.0,95.0>>
-* Wcircumflex (U+0174) contains a short segment L<<404.0,95.0>--<421.0,95.0>>
-* wcircumflex (U+0175) contains a short segment L<<194.0,95.0>--<199.0,95.0>>
-* wcircumflex (U+0175) contains a short segment L<<402.0,96.0>--<405.0,96.0>>
-* Ycircumflex (U+0176) contains a short segment L<<298.0,414.0>--<300.0,414.0>>
-* ycircumflex (U+0177) contains a short segment L<<433.0,-18.0>--<433.0,0.0>>
-* Ydieresis (U+0178) contains a short segment L<<298.0,414.0>--<300.0,414.0>>
-* Zacute (U+0179) contains a short segment L<<439.0,417.0>--<455.0,417.0>>
-* zacute (U+017A) contains a short segment L<<424.0,443.0>--<424.0,452.0>>
-* Zdotaccent (U+017B) contains a short segment L<<439.0,417.0>--<455.0,417.0>>
-* zdotaccent (U+017C) contains a short segment L<<424.0,443.0>--<424.0,452.0>>
-* Zcaron (U+017D) contains a short segment L<<439.0,417.0>--<455.0,417.0>>
-* zcaron (U+017E) contains a short segment L<<424.0,443.0>--<424.0,452.0>>
-* Wgrave (U+1E80) contains a short segment L<<179.0,95.0>--<198.0,95.0>>
-* Wgrave (U+1E80) contains a short segment L<<404.0,95.0>--<421.0,95.0>>
-* wgrave (U+1E81) contains a short segment L<<194.0,95.0>--<199.0,95.0>>
-* wgrave (U+1E81) contains a short segment L<<402.0,96.0>--<405.0,96.0>>
-* Wacute (U+1E82) contains a short segment L<<179.0,95.0>--<198.0,95.0>>
-* Wacute (U+1E82) contains a short segment L<<404.0,95.0>--<421.0,95.0>>
-* wacute (U+1E83) contains a short segment L<<194.0,95.0>--<199.0,95.0>>
-* wacute (U+1E83) contains a short segment L<<402.0,96.0>--<405.0,96.0>>
-* Wdieresis (U+1E84) contains a short segment L<<179.0,95.0>--<198.0,95.0>>
-* Wdieresis (U+1E84) contains a short segment L<<404.0,95.0>--<421.0,95.0>>
-* wdieresis (U+1E85) contains a short segment L<<194.0,95.0>--<199.0,95.0>>
-* wdieresis (U+1E85) contains a short segment L<<402.0,96.0>--<405.0,96.0>>
-* Ygrave (U+1EF2) contains a short segment L<<298.0,414.0>--<300.0,414.0>>
-* ygrave (U+1EF3) contains a short segment L<<433.0,-18.0>--<433.0,0.0>>
-* uni2075 (U+2075) contains a short segment L<<240.0,617.0>--<242.0,612.0>>
-* uni2077 (U+2077) contains a short segment L<<360.0,660.0>--<360.0,664.0>>
-* uni2078 (U+2078) contains a short segment L<<222.0,532.0>--<219.0,532.0>>
-* uni2082 (U+2082) contains a short segment L<<241.0,59.0>--<241.0,57.0>>
-* uni2085 (U+2085) contains a short segment L<<240.0,257.0>--<242.0,252.0>>
-* uni2087 (U+2087) contains a short segment L<<360.0,300.0>--<360.0,304.0>>
-* uni2088 (U+2088) contains a short segment L<<222.0,172.0>--<219.0,172.0>>
-* trademark (U+2122) contains a short segment L<<393.0,422.0>--<393.0,424.0>>
-* oneeighth (U+215B) contains a short segment L<<302.0,8.0>--<299.0,8.0>>
-* fiveeighths (U+215D) contains a short segment L<<120.0,677.0>--<122.0,672.0>>
-* fiveeighths (U+215D) contains a short segment L<<302.0,8.0>--<299.0,8.0>>
-* seveneighths (U+215E) contains a short segment L<<240.0,720.0>--<240.0,724.0>>
-* seveneighths (U+215E) contains a short segment L<<302.0,8.0>--<299.0,8.0>>
-* radical (U+221A) contains a short segment L<<300.0,106.0>--<314.0,106.0>>
-* lozenge (U+25CA) contains a short segment L<<302.0,633.0>--<298.0,633.0>>
-* lozenge (U+25CA) contains a short segment L<<298.0,71.0>--<302.0,71.0>>
-* uni25CC (U+25CC) contains a short segment L<<298.0,770.0>--<300.0,770.0>>
-* uni25CC (U+25CC) contains a short segment L<<-120.0,349.0>--<-120.0,350.0>>
-* kda (U+FFFFF) contains a short segment L<<199.0,352.0>--<199.0,350.0>>
-* kda (U+FFFFF) contains a short segment L<<199.0,249.0>--<198.0,250.0>>
-* kda (U+FFFFF) contains a short segment L<<198.0,250.0>--<199.0,251.0>>
-* kda (U+FFFFF) contains a short segment L<<199.0,350.0>--<198.0,351.0>>
-* kda (U+FFFFF) contains a short segment L<<198.0,351.0>--<199.0,352.0>>
-* kda (U+FFFFF) contains a short segment L<<199.0,251.0>--<199.0,249.0>> [code: found-short-segments]
-⚠️ KodeMono-Regular.ttf
The following glyphs have segments which seem very short:
* five (U+0035) contains a short segment L<<158.0,493.0>--<164.0,483.0>>
-* eight (U+0038) contains a short segment L<<172.0,337.0>--<161.0,337.0>>
-* M (U+004D) contains a short segment L<<255.0,400.0>--<255.0,402.0>>
-* W (U+0057) contains a short segment L<<409.0,72.0>--<433.0,72.0>>
-* Y (U+0059) contains a short segment L<<297.0,410.0>--<299.0,410.0>>
-* Z (U+005A) contains a short segment L<<423.0,410.0>--<441.0,410.0>>
-* w (U+0077) contains a short segment L<<187.0,73.0>--<192.0,73.0>>
-* w (U+0077) contains a short segment L<<409.0,73.0>--<412.0,73.0>>
-* x (U+0078) contains a short segment L<<177.0,241.0>--<177.0,243.0>>
-* z (U+007A) contains a short segment L<<440.0,447.0>--<440.0,459.0>>
-* yen (U+00A5) contains a short segment L<<260.0,337.0>--<260.0,339.0>>
-* yen (U+00A5) contains a short segment L<<298.0,410.0>--<300.0,410.0>>
-* yen (U+00A5) contains a short segment L<<340.0,348.0>--<340.0,337.0>>
-* uni00B2 (U+00B2) contains a short segment L<<241.0,419.0>--<241.0,417.0>>
-* onehalf (U+00BD) contains a short segment L<<321.0,-101.0>--<321.0,-103.0>>
-* Yacute (U+00DD) contains a short segment L<<297.0,410.0>--<299.0,410.0>>
-* ij (U+0133) contains a short segment L<<430.0,-78.0>--<430.0,-64.0>>
-* OE (U+0152) contains a short segment L<<380.0,83.0>--<370.0,72.0>>
-* Wcircumflex (U+0174) contains a short segment L<<409.0,72.0>--<433.0,72.0>>
-* wcircumflex (U+0175) contains a short segment L<<187.0,73.0>--<192.0,73.0>>
-* wcircumflex (U+0175) contains a short segment L<<409.0,73.0>--<412.0,73.0>>
-* Ycircumflex (U+0176) contains a short segment L<<297.0,410.0>--<299.0,410.0>>
-* Ydieresis (U+0178) contains a short segment L<<297.0,410.0>--<299.0,410.0>>
-* Zacute (U+0179) contains a short segment L<<423.0,410.0>--<441.0,410.0>>
-* zacute (U+017A) contains a short segment L<<440.0,447.0>--<440.0,459.0>>
-* Zdotaccent (U+017B) contains a short segment L<<423.0,410.0>--<441.0,410.0>>
-* zdotaccent (U+017C) contains a short segment L<<440.0,447.0>--<440.0,459.0>>
-* Zcaron (U+017D) contains a short segment L<<423.0,410.0>--<441.0,410.0>>
-* zcaron (U+017E) contains a short segment L<<440.0,447.0>--<440.0,459.0>>
-* Wgrave (U+1E80) contains a short segment L<<409.0,72.0>--<433.0,72.0>>
-* wgrave (U+1E81) contains a short segment L<<187.0,73.0>--<192.0,73.0>>
-* wgrave (U+1E81) contains a short segment L<<409.0,73.0>--<412.0,73.0>>
-* Wacute (U+1E82) contains a short segment L<<409.0,72.0>--<433.0,72.0>>
-* wacute (U+1E83) contains a short segment L<<187.0,73.0>--<192.0,73.0>>
-* wacute (U+1E83) contains a short segment L<<409.0,73.0>--<412.0,73.0>>
-* Wdieresis (U+1E84) contains a short segment L<<409.0,72.0>--<433.0,72.0>>
-* wdieresis (U+1E85) contains a short segment L<<187.0,73.0>--<192.0,73.0>>
-* wdieresis (U+1E85) contains a short segment L<<409.0,73.0>--<412.0,73.0>>
-* Ygrave (U+1EF2) contains a short segment L<<297.0,410.0>--<299.0,410.0>>
-* uni2075 (U+2075) contains a short segment L<<240.0,617.0>--<242.0,612.0>>
-* uni2077 (U+2077) contains a short segment L<<360.0,660.0>--<360.0,664.0>>
-* uni2078 (U+2078) contains a short segment L<<222.0,532.0>--<219.0,532.0>>
-* uni2082 (U+2082) contains a short segment L<<241.0,59.0>--<241.0,57.0>>
-* uni2085 (U+2085) contains a short segment L<<240.0,257.0>--<242.0,252.0>>
-* uni2087 (U+2087) contains a short segment L<<360.0,300.0>--<360.0,304.0>>
-* uni2088 (U+2088) contains a short segment L<<222.0,172.0>--<219.0,172.0>>
-* trademark (U+2122) contains a short segment L<<393.0,422.0>--<393.0,424.0>>
-* oneeighth (U+215B) contains a short segment L<<302.0,8.0>--<299.0,8.0>>
-* fiveeighths (U+215D) contains a short segment L<<120.0,677.0>--<122.0,672.0>>
-* fiveeighths (U+215D) contains a short segment L<<302.0,8.0>--<299.0,8.0>>
-* seveneighths (U+215E) contains a short segment L<<240.0,720.0>--<240.0,724.0>>
-* seveneighths (U+215E) contains a short segment L<<302.0,8.0>--<299.0,8.0>>
-* radical (U+221A) contains a short segment L<<299.0,72.0>--<312.0,72.0>>
-* lozenge (U+25CA) contains a short segment L<<302.0,642.0>--<298.0,642.0>>
-* lozenge (U+25CA) contains a short segment L<<298.0,49.0>--<302.0,49.0>>
-* uni25CC (U+25CC) contains a short segment L<<298.0,770.0>--<300.0,770.0>>
-* uni25CC (U+25CC) contains a short segment L<<-120.0,349.0>--<-120.0,350.0>>
-* kda (U+FFFFF) contains a short segment L<<199.0,352.0>--<199.0,350.0>>
-* kda (U+FFFFF) contains a short segment L<<199.0,249.0>--<198.0,250.0>>
-* kda (U+FFFFF) contains a short segment L<<198.0,250.0>--<199.0,251.0>>
-* kda (U+FFFFF) contains a short segment L<<199.0,350.0>--<198.0,351.0>>
-* kda (U+FFFFF) contains a short segment L<<198.0,351.0>--<199.0,352.0>>
-* kda (U+FFFFF) contains a short segment L<<199.0,251.0>--<199.0,249.0>> [code: found-short-segments]
-⚠️ KodeMono-SemiBold.ttf
The following glyphs have segments which seem very short:
* dollar (U+0024) contains a short segment L<<414.0,99.0>--<430.0,112.0>>
-* two (U+0032) contains a short segment L<<174.0,113.0>--<174.0,99.0>>
-* five (U+0035) contains a short segment L<<172.0,506.0>--<177.0,496.0>>
-* eight (U+0038) contains a short segment L<<153.0,342.0>--<146.0,342.0>>
-* M (U+004D) contains a short segment L<<173.0,700.0>--<173.0,683.0>>
-* M (U+004D) contains a short segment L<<255.0,387.0>--<255.0,399.0>>
-* N (U+004E) contains a short segment L<<191.0,587.0>--<173.0,587.0>>
-* S (U+0053) contains a short segment L<<414.0,99.0>--<430.0,112.0>>
-* W (U+0057) contains a short segment L<<193.0,119.0>--<204.0,119.0>>
-* W (U+0057) contains a short segment L<<399.0,118.0>--<410.0,118.0>>
-* Y (U+0059) contains a short segment L<<299.0,418.0>--<301.0,418.0>>
-* Z (U+005A) contains a short segment L<<456.0,423.0>--<468.0,423.0>>
-* a (U+0061) contains a short segment L<<173.0,153.0>--<173.0,149.0>>
-* w (U+0077) contains a short segment L<<201.0,116.0>--<205.0,116.0>>
-* w (U+0077) contains a short segment L<<396.0,120.0>--<399.0,120.0>>
-* x (U+0078) contains a short segment L<<158.0,248.0>--<158.0,250.0>>
-* y (U+0079) contains a short segment L<<427.0,-9.0>--<427.0,0.0>>
-* z (U+007A) contains a short segment L<<407.0,439.0>--<407.0,446.0>>
-* yen (U+00A5) contains a short segment L<<300.0,417.0>--<302.0,417.0>>
-* ordfeminine (U+00AA) contains a short segment L<<173.0,153.0>--<173.0,149.0>>
-* uni00B2 (U+00B2) contains a short segment L<<241.0,419.0>--<241.0,417.0>>
-* onehalf (U+00BD) contains a short segment L<<321.0,-101.0>--<321.0,-103.0>>
-* Ntilde (U+00D1) contains a short segment L<<191.0,587.0>--<173.0,587.0>>
-* Yacute (U+00DD) contains a short segment L<<299.0,418.0>--<301.0,418.0>>
-* agrave (U+00E0) contains a short segment L<<173.0,153.0>--<173.0,149.0>>
-* aacute (U+00E1) contains a short segment L<<173.0,153.0>--<173.0,149.0>>
-* acircumflex (U+00E2) contains a short segment L<<173.0,153.0>--<173.0,149.0>>
-* atilde (U+00E3) contains a short segment L<<173.0,153.0>--<173.0,149.0>>
-* adieresis (U+00E4) contains a short segment L<<173.0,153.0>--<173.0,149.0>>
-* aring (U+00E5) contains a short segment L<<173.0,153.0>--<173.0,149.0>>
-* yacute (U+00FD) contains a short segment L<<427.0,-9.0>--<427.0,0.0>>
-* ydieresis (U+00FF) contains a short segment L<<427.0,-9.0>--<427.0,0.0>>
-* amacron (U+0101) contains a short segment L<<173.0,153.0>--<173.0,149.0>>
-* abreve (U+0103) contains a short segment L<<173.0,153.0>--<173.0,149.0>>
-* aogonek (U+0105) contains a short segment L<<173.0,153.0>--<173.0,149.0>>
-* ij (U+0133) contains a short segment L<<413.0,-70.0>--<413.0,-59.0>>
-* Nacute (U+0143) contains a short segment L<<191.0,587.0>--<173.0,587.0>>
-* uni0145 (U+0145) contains a short segment L<<191.0,587.0>--<173.0,587.0>>
-* Ncaron (U+0147) contains a short segment L<<191.0,587.0>--<173.0,587.0>>
-* Sacute (U+015A) contains a short segment L<<414.0,99.0>--<430.0,112.0>>
-* Scedilla (U+015E) contains a short segment L<<414.0,99.0>--<430.0,112.0>>
-* Scaron (U+0160) contains a short segment L<<414.0,99.0>--<430.0,112.0>>
-* Wcircumflex (U+0174) contains a short segment L<<193.0,119.0>--<204.0,119.0>>
-* Wcircumflex (U+0174) contains a short segment L<<399.0,118.0>--<410.0,118.0>>
-* wcircumflex (U+0175) contains a short segment L<<201.0,116.0>--<205.0,116.0>>
-* wcircumflex (U+0175) contains a short segment L<<396.0,120.0>--<399.0,120.0>>
-* Ycircumflex (U+0176) contains a short segment L<<299.0,418.0>--<301.0,418.0>>
-* ycircumflex (U+0177) contains a short segment L<<427.0,-9.0>--<427.0,0.0>>
-* Ydieresis (U+0178) contains a short segment L<<299.0,418.0>--<301.0,418.0>>
-* Zacute (U+0179) contains a short segment L<<456.0,423.0>--<468.0,423.0>>
-* zacute (U+017A) contains a short segment L<<407.0,439.0>--<407.0,446.0>>
-* Zdotaccent (U+017B) contains a short segment L<<456.0,423.0>--<468.0,423.0>>
-* zdotaccent (U+017C) contains a short segment L<<407.0,439.0>--<407.0,446.0>>
-* Zcaron (U+017D) contains a short segment L<<456.0,423.0>--<468.0,423.0>>
-* zcaron (U+017E) contains a short segment L<<407.0,439.0>--<407.0,446.0>>
-* uni0218 (U+0218) contains a short segment L<<414.0,99.0>--<430.0,112.0>>
-* Wgrave (U+1E80) contains a short segment L<<193.0,119.0>--<204.0,119.0>>
-* Wgrave (U+1E80) contains a short segment L<<399.0,118.0>--<410.0,118.0>>
-* wgrave (U+1E81) contains a short segment L<<201.0,116.0>--<205.0,116.0>>
-* wgrave (U+1E81) contains a short segment L<<396.0,120.0>--<399.0,120.0>>
-* Wacute (U+1E82) contains a short segment L<<193.0,119.0>--<204.0,119.0>>
-* Wacute (U+1E82) contains a short segment L<<399.0,118.0>--<410.0,118.0>>
-* wacute (U+1E83) contains a short segment L<<201.0,116.0>--<205.0,116.0>>
-* wacute (U+1E83) contains a short segment L<<396.0,120.0>--<399.0,120.0>>
-* Wdieresis (U+1E84) contains a short segment L<<193.0,119.0>--<204.0,119.0>>
-* Wdieresis (U+1E84) contains a short segment L<<399.0,118.0>--<410.0,118.0>>
-* wdieresis (U+1E85) contains a short segment L<<201.0,116.0>--<205.0,116.0>>
-* wdieresis (U+1E85) contains a short segment L<<396.0,120.0>--<399.0,120.0>>
-* Ygrave (U+1EF2) contains a short segment L<<299.0,418.0>--<301.0,418.0>>
-* ygrave (U+1EF3) contains a short segment L<<427.0,-9.0>--<427.0,0.0>>
-* uni2075 (U+2075) contains a short segment L<<240.0,617.0>--<242.0,612.0>>
-* uni2077 (U+2077) contains a short segment L<<360.0,660.0>--<360.0,664.0>>
-* uni2078 (U+2078) contains a short segment L<<222.0,532.0>--<219.0,532.0>>
-* uni2082 (U+2082) contains a short segment L<<241.0,59.0>--<241.0,57.0>>
-* uni2085 (U+2085) contains a short segment L<<240.0,257.0>--<242.0,252.0>>
-* uni2087 (U+2087) contains a short segment L<<360.0,300.0>--<360.0,304.0>>
-* uni2088 (U+2088) contains a short segment L<<222.0,172.0>--<219.0,172.0>>
-* uni20BF (U+20BF) contains a short segment L<<423.0,410.0>--<439.0,410.0>>
-* trademark (U+2122) contains a short segment L<<393.0,422.0>--<393.0,424.0>>
-* oneeighth (U+215B) contains a short segment L<<302.0,8.0>--<299.0,8.0>>
-* fiveeighths (U+215D) contains a short segment L<<120.0,677.0>--<122.0,672.0>>
-* fiveeighths (U+215D) contains a short segment L<<302.0,8.0>--<299.0,8.0>>
-* seveneighths (U+215E) contains a short segment L<<240.0,720.0>--<240.0,724.0>>
-* seveneighths (U+215E) contains a short segment L<<302.0,8.0>--<299.0,8.0>>
-* radical (U+221A) contains a short segment L<<302.0,139.0>--<316.0,139.0>>
-* lozenge (U+25CA) contains a short segment L<<302.0,623.0>--<298.0,623.0>>
-* lozenge (U+25CA) contains a short segment L<<298.0,92.0>--<302.0,92.0>>
-* uni25CC (U+25CC) contains a short segment L<<298.0,770.0>--<300.0,770.0>>
-* uni25CC (U+25CC) contains a short segment L<<-120.0,349.0>--<-120.0,350.0>>
-* kda (U+FFFFF) contains a short segment L<<199.0,352.0>--<199.0,350.0>>
-* kda (U+FFFFF) contains a short segment L<<199.0,249.0>--<198.0,250.0>>
-* kda (U+FFFFF) contains a short segment L<<198.0,250.0>--<199.0,251.0>>
-* kda (U+FFFFF) contains a short segment L<<199.0,350.0>--<198.0,351.0>>
-* kda (U+FFFFF) contains a short segment L<<198.0,351.0>--<199.0,352.0>>
-* kda (U+FFFFF) contains a short segment L<<199.0,251.0>--<199.0,249.0>> [code: found-short-segments]
Do outlines contain any semi-vertical or semi-horizontal lines?
- Welcome to my personal website! This is my own little spot where I post articles and journal entries.
- I am a nineteen years old passionate free software and hardware enthusiast from the Slovak Republic. I have studied
- programming of CNCs and welding machinery. I am currently employeed. I am the lead admin and founder of Drgnz Club
- community network which is a small group of like-minded people.
- There are quite a lot of things that I am fond of. I enjoy things such as film photography, journaling and fountain pens, reading
- books and the bible, listening to music and many more things. But I also am interested in the technology aswell, I do some
- 3D printing and sometimes design simple models in FreeCAD. I run a GNU/Linux server with my partner and I also like radio
- communication technology. And for the physical activities, I enjoy going for walks and hikes to the forest and meadows, sometimes
- I do few light exercises.
- I prefer to use free and open-source software over proprietary software, that's why I use Gentoo Linux as my main operating system.
- My favorite processor and graphics card brand is AMD so I have AMD only system. AMD is said to have better performance and compatibility
- on GNU/Linux so that is a big plus, but I also think that AMD is overall much cooler.
- Currently I use Sway as my tiling window manager, I really prefer tiling WMs over DEs because of organized it can get and how customizable
- it is.
- I am a nineteen years old passionate free software and hardware enthusiast from the Slovak Republic. I have studied
- programming of CNCs and welding machinery. I am currently employeed. I am the lead admin and founder of Drgnz Club
- community network which is a small group of like-minded people.
- There are quite a lot of things that I am fond of. I enjoy things such as film photography, journaling and fountain pens, reading
- books and the bible, listening to music and many more things. But I also am interested in the technology aswell, I do some
- 3D printing and sometimes design simple models in FreeCAD. I run a GNU/Linux server with my partner and I also like radio
- communication technology. And for the physical activities, I enjoy going for walks and hikes to the forest and meadows, sometimes
- I do few light exercises.
- I prefer to use free and open-source software over proprietary software, that's why I use Gentoo Linux as my main operating system.
- My favorite processor and graphics card brand is AMD so I have AMD only system. AMD is said to have better performance and compatibility
- on GNU/Linux so that is a big plus, but I also think that AMD is overall much cooler.
- Currently I use Sway as my tiling window manager, I really prefer tiling WMs over DEs because of organized it can get and how customizable
- it is.
My system
My main system is a custom built AMD dragon beast.
OS: Gentoo Linux
WM: Sway
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5700X (16) @ 4.750GHz
GPU: AMD ATI Radeon RX 470
RAM: 32GB DDR4 Dual-Channel
My 3D printer
- I have some cheaper printer which is Creality Ender 3 v2, but it is
- modded somewhat.
Hotend: Creality stock MK8
Extruder: Direct Drive MK8
Duct: Mini satsana
Probe: CR Touch
Cooling: 1x 4010 axial, 1x 4010 radial
Contact me
- If you want to contact me whether you would like to ask me something or just find me interesting you can do it
- trough options listed below.
- My printer is Creality Ender 3 v2, I bought it because it is a classic well known printer brand and because
- it is the newer and apperently better version of the good old Ender 3 which almost everyone has. So far it has
- been printing well, except that I have issues with the glass baseplate. I might switch it out for magnetic one
- in the future.
- I have attempted to flash custom firmware that I have recompiled with host actions turned on. First tries it
- was failing because I didn't know that I have the newer LCD screen. I had to use a different format of uploading
- the screen assets. I GIMPed my own bootscreen with cute fluffy dragons but the firmware doesn't seem to show it up
- for some reason..
- I have already printed out a lot of things like HDD Organizer, USB & SDCard organizer, Pwnagotchi case,
- Benchy (calibration model), statue of my WF logo, protogen and some BD and HP keychains.
- Several days ago I have visited Jacob again. We have installed
- Gentoo Linux and watched some movies again. Jacob set up a couch linux gaming machine which used
- Steam big picture view. We played Black Mesa and Soma for some time.
- We were going out to the woods often to get some fresh air and find Geocaches (worldwide scavenger
- hunt game). We found a lot of geocaches, my favorite caches are at "Jezevci studanka" because it was
- pretty comfy, and a mystery cache in a water drain pipe which was infested with big spiders! The cache
- was around 60 meters far in the pipe. We had to get trough ice cold water to get it. I published a lot
- of the photos at this gallery page!
- Together we have created our own geocache at studanka u Melatinu. The cache's code is GCA6XWK.
- Five people have found it in the first day, later days it went bit slower.
- Couple of days ago I started selfhosting a privacy friendly and free youtube front-end called Invidious.
- I have been thinking about something like this for a longer time because wanted to have something like that
- myself. You can find my instance at yt.waffelo.net.
- I also have added pictures from Krakow trip in December of 2022 to the public gallery.
- Yesterday I have started my own Minecraft server on 1.20 called DrgnCraft. Which is part of the Drgnz.club network. The server is mostly without rules. The only rules are to use common sense and to be nice to others. Griefing others' builds isn't the greatest thing to do because you will get bonked by everyone.
- The server is set in offline mode, that means that it is not conneceting to the Mojang servers and you don't need an official account. You can play with a cracked Minecraft client. You can also set any skin you want thanks to the SkinRestorer plugin. There is also a password protection plugin so others don't log into your account.
- I haven't made an update to my personal website in a very long time, mainly because of
- laziness and demotivation. But I am willing to restart my habit working on the website
- and make it active again.
- Many things have happened while the website was being neglected. I got new interests,
- worked on several things, found and lost friends, got new setup and got closer to my
- partner.
- I am currently in a process of moving things into my new website. This might take a while
- to port all my journal entries and blog articles. If I used HUGO then it would be much
- easier, but I don't know how to work with that. I might reattempt it sometime in the future.
diff --git a/waffelo.net/journal/2024/may/longtime.html b/waffelo.net/journal/2024/may/longtime.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cb95c4..0000000
--- a/waffelo.net/journal/2024/may/longtime.html
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- Long time no see
- It has been a while since I journaled the last time. Simply said, I pretty much lost my motivation to do things like blogging
- and some computer projects. But I will try to restart my work and do more Linux and tech related things. I just need to finish
- my finals that I will have in late May and it will be better.