Welcome to my personal website! This is my own little spot where I post articles and journal entries.
I am a nineteen years old passionate free software and hardware enthusiast from the Slovak Republic. I have studied programming of CNCs and welding machinery. I am currently employeed. I am the lead admin and founder of Drgnz Club community network which is a small group of like-minded people.
There are quite a lot of things that I am fond of. I enjoy things such as film photography, journaling and fountain pens, reading books and the bible, listening to music and many more things. But I also am interested in the technology aswell, I do some 3D printing and sometimes design simple models in FreeCAD. I run a GNU/Linux server with my partner and I also like radio communication technology. And for the physical activities, I enjoy going for walks and hikes to the forest and meadows, sometimes I do few light exercises.
I prefer to use free and open-source software over proprietary software, that's why I use Gentoo Linux as my main operating system.
My favorite processor and graphics card brand is AMD so I have AMD only system. AMD is said to have better performance and compatibility
on GNU/Linux so that is a big plus, but I also think that AMD is overall much cooler.
Currently I use Sway as my tiling window manager, I really prefer tiling WMs over DEs because of organized it can get and how customizable
it is.